Your Spiritual Journey is a Gift
5:53 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
I joined a codependency support group. The people in my group are extraordinary. They’re not, although, extraordinary by a worldly definition. None of the people at the table are famous, exceedingly rich or outrageously successful. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives. I learn from their lives. They live simply, and honorably, in the face of great adversity. In fact, adversity transforms them, making them gentler, kinder and more forgiving. I admire their stamina and their confidence in God’s plan for their lives. Their journeys encourage me.
For a while, I felt like I had no business taking a spot at the table. I expected to have very little to offer, or receive from, the people sitting around me. Then, it started to happen. As stories were shared I began to connect with people. Some days I discovered that we had the same feelings. Other days I found myself working through the same problem as someone to the left or the right of me. Our lives began to intersect. Common threads connected their journeys to mine. Their stories filled my world with hope. I began to expect that I would have something to receive.
Some days, when the meeting was over, people would thank me for having shared. My journey touched others and encouraged them. They found healing through my expression of the simple, ordinary experiences of my life. My stories filled their world with hope. I began to see that I not only had something to receive, I had something to offer.
I began to see that I desired to share my journey. I knew my story wasn’t earth shattering or surprisingly unique. I knew it was an ordinary story about an ordinary life. I knew it had the regular ups, downs and in-betweens much like the lives of others. Yet, with all its ordinariness, I began to desire that my journey could be a gift. I have since prayed that my journey will have common threads that connect the lives of others to mine. God willing, my journey will touch and encourage others. Maybe lives will intersect and healing will be found in the expression of the simple, ordinary experiences of my life? That would be a gift for others and for me too.
I’m sharing my spiritual journey because I believe it is a gift with value. I’m also taking in the spiritual journeys around me. The journeys of others are encouraging my own spiritual growth and spiritual healing at this very time. We, the storytellers, are giving each otherthe gift of our stories. We can change the world with each retelling, because each retelling is an opportunity to touch someone’s life. Some part of ourjourney, big or small, can speak to those given the opportunity to take it in.
Perhaps you have an ordinary life that’s a little like mine? Maybe we should both share our journeys? Together we could reach out to even more people who could reach out as well. Imagine all the people who would realize that they are not alone. Imagine all the people who could be touched, encouraged and healed through the simple truth that a shared journey is a gift with value.
I have begun sharing my journey with those who would like to receive it. I’ve given my journey to some friends, and I’ve also begun to make it available to strangers and casual friends. People are being touched. Strangers are hearing my story and finding that their life is not so different from mine. People I know just a little arereaching out because they’ve discovered, through my story, that they are not alone. I’m not doing anything special to make this all happen. In fact, I don’t really make it happen at all. I just tell my story and God does the rest. It’s absolutely amazing.
People are walking in your shoes and they don’t even know it. Tell them about your own journey, and they’ll know the truth that they are not alone. You don’t need to be someone extraordinary to give the gift of your story. In fact, the journeys that change lives are often the ones that say, “I’ve been where you are.” An ordinary life has incredible power in the simple truth that it is very ordinary. If you have an ordinary life, you’ve got something valuableto share.
Maybe you’re intimidated by the idea of sharing your journey? I’ll give you one piece of advice that helped me get over my own intimidation: trust God. He’s big enough to connect your life tothe lives of others. If you’re faithful to share your life, God is ready, and very able, to honor your desire to reach out to others. He’s in the business of touching lives. Let Him use your life to touch others. Tell your story.
Do Acne Products Really Work?
12:48 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Many people want to know if acne products really work? In the old days you could only get your non prescription acne products from the drug store but now in the information age there are so many different acne medications available from a great many sources. How many of us have been awake to see the late night infomercials on acne treatments that are supposed to have been developed by some brilliant doctor selling for $39.95 a bottle.
Then there are the numerous books as well as countless articles that boast that they have discovered the latest magical acne cure. And lets not forget that all natural acne cure recipe that can be provided for download for only $9.99. There are also those infamous best acne treatments list here or the we have the cure for acne there that get peoples attention because of the definite need.
Dont get me wrong. I am not at all a skeptic, I just know that what may be a cure for one persons acne may only be a treatment for someone elses. One person may be allergic to some home remedies for acne while others have responded well to laser treatment. Everyone needs to find a treatment that is best for them. The best treatment for some peoples acne is to use laser treatment. This is often expensive and not covered by insurance because it is considered cosmetic. I have met people that were happy with the results. They felt more confident and there the results were immediate where as using acne medications took time.
Many people opt for the expensive over the counter acne products and medication this way seems to work best for them and they are patient and when they see results they are happy and if not they are open to other forms of acne treatment. Watching those late night infomercials with the before and after photo shots and tearful testimonials is very convincing. I mean some of these products are reasonable while some are not but it is worth a try for people who have been plagued sometimes for years with this unsightly and uncomfortable skin condition.
Then there is good old fashion witch hazel and benzoyl peroxide that you can get over the counter in most drug stores to use for an acne treatment. People that suffer with mild cases of acne respond well with common natural acne treatments. Natural acne treatments are a favorite for some because they are less abrasive, contain less chemicals and rejuvenate the skin.
There is some acne treatment, medication, product, out on the market that has worked for someone at some time or another. All acne treatments work for all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but never all of the people all of the time. So people need to research and try many availableacne products and acne treatments until they find one that works well for them.
Terrorism and the Constitution
1:44 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Thomas Jefferson was among those who embraced the constitution but feared that without certain clauses the document did not protect individuals.
The result was a list of ten additional articles limiting the powers of the federal government.
The bill of rights established how things will work.
When members of the radical Islamist Cult Al Qaeda flew fully fueled jumbo jets into the World Trade Center on September11, 2001,nation paid attention.
Fear gripped the nation and people lashed out at fellow Americans who dared to say or do anything that did not follow lock-step with what the administration.
The host of the talk show politically incorrect, Bill Maher, responding to the George Bush stated opinion that the September 11 events were cowardly acts, said this on the air.
The show sponsors, Federal Express and Sears, pulled their advertising and the network ABC pulled the Show.
White House spokes person Ari Fleischer commented with these chilling words: all Americans need to watch what they say, watch what they do.
This was the death of the first amendment. Some Americans were saying we were sacrificing the very freedoms we were claming to be defending.
Most Americans feel that in a time of war, the United States should be a model of civil liberties and civil rights protecting individual rights underthe constitution.
Civil liberty since the USA-Patriot Act was to make the country a safer place for Americans citizens by expanding the reach of law enforcement.
It included sweeping changes in definitions and descriptions of what constituted suspicion, denied due process to huge numbers of people.
It even created new and incredibly ambiguous acts that appear to be intended to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.
Terrorism and the constitution is always a problem of trying to keep a balance of both competing interest of the government and the rights of people protected bythe bill of rights and the constitution.
Civil liberties the personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government can not abridge by law.
The civil rights the government protected rights of individual against arbitrary discrimination because ethnicity, especially after 911.
The Bill of Rights and the fourthteen amendment of the constitution are major corner stones of the constitution and should never be allowed to be subvert in this era of terrorism.
Read More......The Case for Taking Vitamin & Mineral Supplements
6:21 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Many people feel they eat a healthy diet and don’t need to supplement. There are many reasons you are not getting all the nutrition you think you are even if you have the “perfect” diet.
Vitamins and minerals are essential elements for all of our bodily functions and disease prevention. Many people believe they can get all of their nutrient needs from food. They may have been true a few hundred years ago, but not anymore.
Let’s explore the reason why:
*Soil nutrients are being depleted
Decades, even centuries, of agriculture have depleted the soil of its nutrients. The plants absorb nutrients from the soil as they grow. If there are little nutrients in the soil, there will be just as little in our food.
*We don’t digest our food efficiently.
With today’s fast paced life, we inhale our food and don’t chew it thoroughly before we swallow. The stomach cannot digest whole pieces of food. As such, the nutrients in these pieces of food just get passed out (hopefully) without the nutrients being utilized.
Try chewing your food until it is liquefied. Digestion begins with the enzymes in your saliva. Eat slowly and enjoy your food. You will eat less and enjoy it more, keeping you from over eating and craving more food later.
*We overcook our food.
Cooking food, specifically vegetables, leaches nutrients from the food. It becomes dead food with dead nutrients. To get optimal benefit from your food eat it raw or juice it.
*Limited food selection
Unlike our ancestors who ate dozens of different vegetables, nuts, seeds, roots and lean meats everyday, we get stuck in a food rut and typically eat just a handful of veggies, a couple fruits and a few meats. That keeps us from the broad spectrum of nutrients our body needs.
Try more variety next time you are at the grocery store. Eat a variety of colors of vegetables. Incorporate nuts and seeds into your snacks.
*A Toxic Body
A body that has plaque formed along the walls of the intestines and colon is not going to absorb food efficiently. Essentially the walls are blocked and the nutrients go unused. Use a good intestinal cleanse to thoroughly clean these blocked walls and the nutrient absorption will improve.
Although we’d like to think we get all the nutrients we need from our diet, in today’s society, it just doesn’t happen. It is best to supplement with a daily multi-vitamin & mineral source. Liquid supplements are ideal because they have a higher and more immediate absorption rate.
How to Dance Samba No Pe
8:16 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
There are many forms of samba danced in Brazil. The two leading samba types in Rio today are the street samba dance called samba no pe, which is a solo dance and samba gafieiro, which is a partner dance.
The conventional type of samba danced during the Rio carnival is samba no pe. But according to some samba dancers there is a slightly difference between samba no pe and the show dance used during the Rio carnival. Samba no pe is also often seen as the most original samba. But others may claim that there is no such thing as an original samba dance.
Samba no pe is done in a 2/4 rhythm where the dancer takes three steps to every bar. This could make the samba to feel like a 3/4 timed dance. Samba no pe could be danced either alone or in a group. The dance consists of one basic step. The basic step requires a straight body and a bending of one knee at a time.
In samba no pe men and women are dancing samba with different steps and emphasis on different things during the dance. The male samba dancers often do a lot of acrobatic tricks with their feet. It is said that a good samba dancer speaks with his feet.
The female dance can be characterized as quick symmetrical feet movement with each foot twisting on the heel. All the time the femalessamba dancers put emphasis on their femininity by using their hips and shoulders very much.
The male and female dancers can dance together but they do not touch each other. Often the men dance around the women including spins, hops and jumps. The dance has a high tempo and is a complex combination of the basic steps, different variation and improvisation.
The dance is often done unaccompanied and begins straight away when the samba music starts. The speed of the movements change with the tempo of the music, some samba dances are very fast and other samba dances move at a more regular pace.
The dance consists of jumps and turns. It is important that when you jump you should not jump too high. It’s not easy to pick up the samba dance the first time you try. You should not be disappointed if you don’t get the hang of it the first time. It’s important that you stop looking at you feet and that you hold the body straight and at the same time start to relax.
The Popular Sport of Airsoft Gaming
12:40 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
High intensity, high adrenaline, non-stop energy all leading into head-to-head competition! All this while keeping yourself and your team focused on the single objective at hand, “take no prisoners”. Airsoft Gaming, very similar to Paintball gaming, is becoming widespread and at the same time a worldwide sport. There are many forms, regulations and simulations that the Airsoft enthusiast can participate.
in but nothing compares to the realistic features and experiences involved in Airsoft Gaming.
Airsoft Gaming took its roots in the East and has been moving to the West for the better part of 20 years. While slowly becoming popular in the US, one can find dedicated Airsoft Gamers from California to Florida and everywhere in between. This sport has become a great event for big corporations to offer to their employees as a fun adventure day, and is even found at small events like birthday parties hosting only ten people. Men and women, old and young alike, canparticipate in a great heart racing, strategy-involving, team-building activity.
Many Airsoft enthusiasts participate in standard Skirmish games, Mil-Sim games, or impressive Mock Battle games. Skirmish’s are usually run like the following: two teams trying to kill off the other team in any variation ranging from capture the flag, siege fights, or last-man standing. While Mil-Sim’s look like the following: role-playing variations and focus on strategy and tactic rather than speed. Finally, Mock Battle’s look like the following: they are structured to simulate a famous battle. Whether the battle mimics something from WWII or something from the Gulf War, it can look like the real thing. BecauseAirsoft guns are replicas, the participants can put regulations on the Airsoft gun and equipment correlating with the specific time period.
So what does it cost? Well, depending on where you decide to go you can pay anywhere from $15-20 for gun and equipment rentals, plus an extra $5-10 for ammo, and, finally, a small fee of $20-30 to use the property. These are not set prices for any oneAirsoft Gaming location just estimates. There are typically discounts for group’s or special occasions. All in all it is a great way for bonding, team building, or just having fun. Whatever worries you have you can blow off your steam while unloading a magazine of 6mm plastic BB’s firing up to 600-900 rounds-per-minute in a safe, non-lethal environment.
It is important to note that with Airsoft Gaming come necessary precautions; all Airsoft Gaming locations will have specific safety requirements. Some general safety precautions and highly recommended safety equipment are for eye and face protection. Wearing some form of heavy clothing is advisable for the rest of your body. Some enthusiasts even use a scarf or handkerchief to protect their necks, while others just go commando wearing only shorts and a T-shirt. It depends on the player, but always remember eye protection is imperative no matter where you are playing.
Finally, I don’t endorse using public property while participating in your Airsoft Gaming experience, although I have heard of teams playing in abandoned buildings, golf courses, and fields. If one wants to participate in this sport in a public place, keep in mind that a group of people flashing 1:1 scale replicas of real firearms could potentially get themselves into trouble. Always remember to make sure that your orange tip on yourAirsoft gun is visible and easily seen by spectators. To those who choose to participate in a private closed field, enjoy your Airsoft Gaming and continue to support the fastest growing sport in America.
Just Bitten by the Bass Fishing Bug? A Basic Equipment List
12:03 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Bass fishing for many begins the first time they get that hit and proceeds from there to become a lifelong avocation. If you have just discovered bass fishing then it’s time to start accumulating your bass fishing tackle. Over the course of your bass fishing lifetime you will probably have many rods and reels, literally hundreds of lures and a wide variety of storage boxes. However, the first gear you buy need not be expensive or abundant as long as it suits the needs of a novice bass angler.
Rods. As you become more experienced you may find that you want several rods of varying lengths and made out of different materials. A good first rod for a neophyte fisherman is generally five and a half to six feet long and made of graphite, fiberglass or a graphite/fiberglass blend. Longer rods may give more reach in casting but they also require more nuance. Look for a balanced, medium weight rod. As the term implies, that is a rod which has its weight evenly distributed from end to end.
Reels. Once you have chosen your rod, select a complimentary reel. Consider a rod and reel combo package. Many beginning fishermen shy from this simple answer to tackle selection; after all, buying stuff is half the fun. Still purchasing an inexpensive rod and reel bundle allows you to get the feel for bass fishing gear before making a large investment.If you have decided to make separate purchases, check out the spincast reels. They have fewer line tangle problems and provide smooth casting and retrieval. Most also allow for a wide variance in lines and lures.
Lines. Most rod and reels will recommend the line weights that harmonize well with them. In general, a 10# line will hold up well in the vast number of situations you’ll encounter. As you become a more sophisticated angler you will learn the many factors that go into proper line selection. Strength, resistance to breaking, stretch, diameter, even color are all important in making more sophisticated line choices. Don’t worry about those now though; just buy a high quality line.
Lures. Choosing the right lure for the right area and the right bass is key to successful bass fishing. If you are going with experienced fishermen or with a guide, they will be your best resource for information on what lure or bait to pack. The number one bait out there though is the humble worm. Stock up on these in a variety of colors and pick up a few inexpensive spinnerbaits.
Tackle boxes. Here again many new fishermen go for the fully featured models, the more drawers and trays the better. Quite often though the more places you have to put things the more ways you have to lose them. Start out with a simple tackle box with a large open bottom and a few small trays.
Now you’re ready for the most fun of all: Bass fishing. Hit the water, be safe and good luck.
Improve Your Punting Technique
10:28 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Since every punter kicks somewhat differently from the next, he should take the stance that is most comfortable to him. Keep arms and hands flexed and in a relaxed position.
The kicker should stand with feet slightly spread, the left foot a bit in advance of the right These instructions, of course, are for right-footed kickers. A maximum of three steps should be taken forward while punting; but if more than three steps are taken, the kicker should be instructed to move back two to three yards.
The punter should face squarely to the front, looking at the ball on the ground through the center’s legs. Before the ball is snapped, he should be completely relaxed with the body weight distributed equally on both legs. The weight will be shifted to the left leg as the ball is snapped. The kicker must keep his eyes on the ball at all times in order to avoid a fumble and to mold the ball properly for the actual punt.
The ball should be held in one hand and guided by the other as the kicker advances in his steps. The ball is held in front of the body, out over the kicking leg. The forward point of the ball should be slightly to the left and slightly depressed. The lacing will be on the top, or possibly to the right of center.
The left hand should support the left forward side of the ball, well toward its front. Do not put the left hand over the point of the ball, as is the practice among many novices. The right hand should hold the ball at its rear point. The fingers are spread and up, with the thumb to the left of the laces and the point of the ball lying in the hollow of the hand.
The drop of the ball should be as slight as possible. The kicker should practice kicking the ball out of his hands, thus learning how to avoid a long drop from hands to foot. A long drop of the ball can cause a wobbly, inaccurate kick.
If the kicker is getting too much height and no distance, the ball is possibly being dropped with bent arms too close to the body. Another reason for the kick that is too high could be the position of the toe – it is being pointed upward instead of being kept depressed.
As the ball approaches, the kicker may take a short half-step with the left or lead foot. The ball should be molded into kicking position as the punter takes the first step.
The kicker now takes a full step forward with his right foot . He keeps his eyes on the ball as he molds it in his hands. In fact, he should not take his eyes off the ball until it actually leaves the kicking foot and is lofted in the air.
The next and last step will be directly forward with the left foot. As the left foot reaches the turf, the whip of the right leg should be started.
The right leg starts from an extended position and becomes fully flexed to create the potential energy for the kick. The toe should be pointed forward, downward, and slightly inward.The ball should be met on the instep when the swing of the leg is about the height or a little above the hip. This will vary with kickers as nature seems to tell the individual when his leg is at the highest point of acceleration.
For proper distance, a high trajectory, and a good spiral, the punter must follow through with his kicking leg . Without the follow-through, his timing and distance will suffer. Lack of follow-through will indicate that the kicker’s timing is off and that he has made contact too late, causing a shanking of the ball off the side of the foot. I’m sure we have all experienced this type of kick.
Remember, as with all aspects of football, practice makes perfect.
Free Piracy Movie Download – Is There A Catch
8:10 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Downloading must be done is a safe and secure manner. If youre encouraging piracy you may have to face the law. You need to check out if the site youre downloading from is legal to ensure you dont indulge in free piracy movie download. At least check out if the site maintains your anonymity by blocking your IP, as the fact remains that free movie download sites have inevitably pirated stuff and your IP address could be tracked by the anti-piracy agencies. Unless youre part of file sharing among your friends (peer-to-peer P2P), which isnt part of counterfeiting for profit, the danger of getting caught remains. P2P network is indeed quite helpful and serves to share audio and video files as well as data files.
The arrival of broadband in 1997 triggered the increasing spread of warez or pirated software. With higher speeds came faster downloads, making transfer of files of large sizes hassle-free. Along with online pirated versions of expensive software and even different versions of the Windows operating system were available free piracy movie downloads as well. Now you can literally download a movie for free even before others have watched it the legal way.
If you desperately want to download movies its better to obtain paid movies from legal sites you can easily find online. Youll be free from the charge of promoting free piracy movie download and avoid the risk of getting caught as piracy tracking agencies and even movie production houses are always on the quest to track piracy online through clever techniques, albeit the pirates inevitably emerge smarter. That may not always be the case, though, and you could be the one the spotlight falls on.
Ardent movie fans may not find spending money on legal movie downloads fun, but its the right thing to do. You still get to watch them from your armchair.
Antique Furniture – Is Yours Authentic?
4:17 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
True antiques do not often display exact symmetry, as this was impossible to achieve when working solely by hand. It was really with the introduction of the assembly line process with the Model T Ford, that things were imperfect. It was not uncommon for two same pieces of furniture to have parts that were not interchangeable. These pieces are imperfect and small details can usually be spotted, such as rungs and spindles that are not uniform, or shapes that vary somewhat. So, look for furniture that has a hand made or hand worked appearance. Furniture components were not machine-cut until about 1860, so examining the drawers can provide tell-tale signs. If the drawer was constructed using handmade dovetails, it was produced prior to that time. Older pieces also required the use of hand tools, such as planes and draw-knives, which left nicks and marks in the wood.
Another way to identify an antique is by examining the finish. Oil, wax, and milk paint were used on the earliest pieces and eventually replaced by Shellac. By the mid-1800s, lacquer and varnish became popular finishes, helping to date a later piece. It is possible to test for various finishes, much to the dismay of dealers. If a Shellac finish is dabbed with alcohol, it will dissolve. While this is a good test, it is one that should only be used when you have the permission of the seller. Sometimes you can’t always use this test, but it can come in handy, especially if this knowledge is mentioned to a questionable dealer. It can get some to admit whether it is or isn’t real.
Knowing your woods will help tell the difference. Oak represents most of the oldest pieces of furniture, prior to 1700. With the turn of the 18th Century, mahogany and walnut dominated the woodworking world. Pine has always been a popular choice for American products because it is plentiful and easy to manipulate. More valuable pieces can also be found in maple, walnut and cherry, as these types of wood are more valuable on their on. Familiarize yourself with the different colors of the woods, as well as the different grain patterns.
Quality and condition are the final important factors to consider when shopping for antique furniture. Pieces constructed by a particular designer may be declared valuable, regardless of their age or condition. However, in most cases, original components in great condition equal higher worth. It is also worthy to note that handy persons often like to purchase old pieces of furniture for refinishing purposes. Since most antiques are best left in their original state, many experts recommend finding out the value of a particular piece before engaging in any modifications.
At the end of the day, it may be smartest to get an expert opinion of you aren’t sure of the authenticity of your piece of furniture. It is better to spend a few dollars on an expert opinion up front, than to destroy a piece of furniture that could be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. And it may be better to know before you spend money on something that may be worthless.
Promotional Products – Introduce Your Business to New Customers
6:09 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Heavy advertising, extensive pr, special offers like buy one get one free have all been used by organizations to build theirs customer base. Yet another strategy that can help an organization win new customers is that ofpromotional products. Promotional products can help you entice your prospective buyers and thereby add on to your existing customers. For the starters promotional products help you introduce your brand to your customers. You cannot get anyone to buy your product till the time they are familiar with your brand. They need to know your first in order to purchase the product or service that is offered by your organization. Promotional product effectively let you complete the first step by telling people about your brand. Owing to the usefulness they have to offer they very effectively popularize your brand. It is said that when the beginning is well, the ending is well. So withpromotional products you can give a perfect kick-start to your business. Distributing promotional products is the best marketing strategy and in very low cost you can reach to thousands of customers’ hearts.
The Most Interesting Classified Sites Online!
4:48 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
A hub is more or less a website you can visit or join that has an “all in one” feel to it. If you check out sites like this, then you won’t need to go anywhere else because they have everything you could possibly need right at your fingertips! Other sites that can be compared closely to the classified hubs sites are Myspace, FaceBook, or Moli. Yes, they are all social networking sites, but they also offer other things such as profiles, classified ads, music, movies, games and loads of entertainment to keep you busy!
If you’re searching for sites that offer a multiple amount of uses to their users you can simply search on your favorite search engine such as Ask, Yahoo! or Google for keywords relevant to whatever it is you’re looking for. Say I’m looking for a classified site that also offers games, then I would enter in something like this; “Classifieds Sites Online With Games” or “Combination Online Classifieds.” This will very quickly bring up some sites that could possibly interest you. You can also search for other things such as “Social Networking Sites” and then within the websites just look around and see if they offer the type of options you would like. Of course the second option is a little more work but it will help you find the perfect site!
When joining a regular online classified site or a combination classified site, be sure to take a look around and read the FAQ section and TOS section and familiarize yourself with the rules of the site. One of the most horrible things is joining a site you really like and then getting deleted for not following the rules made by the operator of the site! Example someclassified sites don’t allow personals, or don’t allow adult type classifieds. So, just make sure you follow all the rules and do what’s expected of you!
Shopping For The Best Digital Camera
7:10 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Comparing Models and Brands
When you want to purchase the best digital camera, you will want to begin by comparing all of the features that come with the different models, when you are searching for the best digital camera model, it does not matter what brand you are looking at. If you want the best digital camera, you will want to start by looking at all the features that come with the top model. From there, you can easily choose what features that you don’t need and find the model that offers only the ones that you are looking for.
For instance, there are different degrees of megapixels. Unless you plan to enlarge your pictures to poster size prints, the number of megapixels does not matter in terms of picture quality. So if you find a great camera with only four or five megapixels, you will be just fine.
You can also choose what kind of image stabilization system that is used in the camera, and how much the camera can focus. If you are using the camera for amateur, everyday use, you will not need all of the extra features that some of the top models come with.
The next step in order to find the best digital camera is to compare equivalent models from different brands. Once you compare each model side by side, you will find out what brand is best in terms price and quality. You can compare models with a variety of different sources, but the best way to begin is to look at both models online. Then, once you find one or two models that you are interested in, you can go into a store and compare the cameras side by side in order to see which one will be right for you.
Finding the best digital camera is easy if you take the time to look at your choices. The top of the line models that are expensive are not always the right choice for everyone, so you will want to look at all the models and find the right digital camera for you.
Need a Tent? Things to Ask Yourself before Getting One
10:07 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Shopping for one can be an overwhelming experience though. With a lot of choices in the market, you may end up getting the wrong one for your trip. To start off, you can opt for branded ones such as Coleman tents to be assured you are getting quality tents.
Tents should be made of lightweight and durable materials because you will surely be packing a lot of stuff. Hence, a tent should not be too bulky and heavy to fit in. Also, it should be easy to assemble and with detailed instructions so you do not have to waste so much time figuring out where you would use that pole or bolt. This would mean saving a lot of time for camping fun!
After you have decided on the brand of your choice, you will be amazed to see different models to suit different adventures and budget. If you are on a tight budget, sale period is always a great time to buy one for yourself or give as presents to your loved ones. Imagine that you are giving them a gift to make them think of relaxation and having fun. We have one at home which we use even if it is just spending a night at our rooftop.
Another consideration when buying tents is where you will be using it. This question is usually decided upon before you have thought of getting one but in case the purchase comes in ahead of that, keep in mind that every tent is especially tailored for a destination. Going to some icy cold region requires tents that could provide warmth while in a jungle trip, you need to bring a tent that gives proper ventilation and at the same time protect you from insects and rain showers. If you are totally unsure where you would like to bring your tent, choose classic, multipurpose designs.
Probably the last thing to ask before zeroing on the right tent is the size. Different sizes are usually determined by the number of people that can fit in. Your family, friends or whoever going with you may want a separate tent. In that case, you may opt for some smaller-sized solo tents instead of a large group tent. Some of the larger tent options also have small, separate rooms inside. There are also kiddie tents to accommodate the little travelers. Whichever you choose, make sure you will get one where you can sit or stand and move comfortably.
Buying tents can be really exciting since you can already imagine the different outdoor experiences you can have bringing them. Take a break from months or years of working hard and unleash the Indiana Jones in you! And hey, let the kids come along for added fun!
Poker Rules for German Players
6:40 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Both Texas Hold’Em and Omaha are identical in the procedure in which the games are played. The rules of these games are the same for both German and USplayers.
The two players to the left of the dealer put the big and small blinds into the pot to start the game. These are the only players with money in the pot before any cards are dealt. The dealer gives each of the players two cards face down. In Omaha, the players receive four cards. The player sitting next to the player that placed the big blind starts the betting when he/she looks at the cards. If this player decides that the cards are no good, he/she will throw them away and not place a bid. Then each player in turn will either bid or fold.
Once this round is complete, and there are players who have bet, the dealer throws away (burns) the top card on the deck and then places three cards face up in the middle of the table. These are the cards the players can use to match with what they have in their hand to make a poker hand. Then another round of betting ensues, after which the dealer lays another card face up. This is called the flop. After this there is another bet and then another card called the turn. The final round of betting ends with the River card and when theplayers show what cards they hold in their hands a winner is declared. At any time in this process, a player can decide to fold and not take a chance on losing nay more money.
The difference in the two games of poker is in Omaha high low poker. This is a split pot game in which the player with the best high hand wins halfthe pot and the player with the best low hand wins half the pot. If there is no qualifying low hand then the player with the best high hand takes all the pot.
Making a high hand is the same as in regular Omaha with the hands starting at the top with a Royal flush and working down through the ranks to the lowest poker hand of one pair. The player can only use two of the cards in his/her hand to combine with the community cards to form a high poker hand and the remaining two cards to use to form a low poker hand. The difference is that in order for the cards to qualify as a low hand, they must all be eight or less.
Rocky Mountain Bikes For The Extreme Biking Ecstasy
9:50 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
The World Of Rocky Mountain Bike
Rocky bikes are embossed with innovation, quality and value with exceptional design, fabrication, CNC-machining, paint and pre-assembly done in-house in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Rocky mountain bike is one of the leaders who realized that future biking is going to rely heavily on full suspension. They are the one who bought out the 3D Link multi-pivot linkage design years ago. There were bikes for huge downhill travel and free ride bikes. The want was of middle one, a lightweight design for more travel.
ETSX Or Energy Transfer System
The quest ended with ETSX. This is a featherweight package weighing 12.9 kilograms for the 19 inch size and literally you can do ANYTHING with this bike.
This is geared with a double A-arm design, which as per the claim of Rocky Mountain is derived from Formula 1 racecar suspension. The design is beautiful with light and small suspension components. The main pivot point lies above the crank and just in front of the seat tube.
Moreover, there is really no chain stay, which can get in the way of the drive train. Sealed bearings at all of the pivots make the construction superb. By and large the rear wheel stays firmly planted onto the ground and the extra special traction is smooth under all conditions. Now great news! You can flip a quick release and alter the travel from 3.5 to 4.5 inches for a good ride in rough terrains for long travels and for an easy climb to the top of the mountain.
Some Other Specialties Of ETSX
1. The frame is prepared with Easton Bi-Oval RAD tubing
2. The welding is rock solid and big
3. The Fox Float RLC front fork has a very efficient lever on top of the right fork leg to control the spring tension
4. Two bottle mounts, one above and one below the down tube are there
The Part Mix Is Scrumptious. The List Goes Like This
1. Shimano 515 clipless pedals
2. The hubs, cranks, disc brakes, shifters and front derailleur are from Shimano XT
3. Thermo SP headset and Deus stem
4. Handlebar from favorite Easton Carbon Monkey Lite
5. Tires are from marvelous Hutchinson Mosquito
6. Wheelset is Rockies in house built Wheeltech, which includes Mavic X223 Disc rims, and DT spokes
At present, ETSX has three models.
Finding The Right Bike
Size does matter! And the best way to get the perfect size is testing several sizes in person at a Rocky Mountain bike dealer.
Warranty Coverage On Rocky Mountain Bike
Read the owners manual carefully. The shop from where you bought the bike will provide with initial information. You can also check out the Warranty Inquiries section in the website of Rocky Mountain Bicycles to get detailed info on warranties and guarantees.
Say goodbye to a bland life. Say hello to a daring journey on a sturdy beast, the Rocky mountain bike.
Why Girls Really Love Diamonds
1:51 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
One thing you have to remember is that when buying diamond rings as an engagement proposal, you should spend plenty of time selecting the perfect style, cut, clarity, carat and colour. These are the ever-important four C’s, which all avid fans of diamond stone will have become familiar with. This will help you when selecting a perfect diamond set ring, without, which could lead to you wasting your money on something that will in time change in quality.
The four C’s is simple to remember and refers to the quality of the diamond. The cut of the diamond is self-explanatory but for those who are unfamiliar with this term, it is quite simply how well the diamond reflects the light back. This has nothing to with shape, so do not get this confused. Diamonds reflect light in many directions, they have that hypnotic twinkle and clean look. This is what attracts women to this studly gem, as it will make heads turn. Therefore, if you get the cut right then you are only a quarter of the way through finding the perfect ring.
Diamond rings come in different cuts, which are as follows; ideal cut diamonds reflect onto the table that stretch across from one end of the table to the other. Fine cut diamonds are slightly wider but still a good quality to buy. Shallow cut and deep cut diamonds tend to be the poorer cut diamonds, which lack the fiery and scintillating reflective effect.
The clarity of a diamond refers to any blemishes or inclusions on the stone, such as air bubbles, cracks and some non-mineral inclusions within the diamond. The diamond itself has not been formed in a crystal clean and controlled environment therefore, there are bound to be flaws that develop with it. They are measured by letters, which include F (flawless), IF (Internally flawless), VSI (Very slightly included) and I (Included). There are more categories with each letter signifying their worth and value, obviously F is the most expensive and highest quality diamond.
All diamond rings come with a certain measured weight, which is where carat comes in. As the carat goes the up on a diamond stone, the price will become increasingly expensive. Try not to get this confused with ‘karat’, which is used to measure, the weight of gold. One carat is approximately 2oo milligrams; therefore, how the diamond is formed it is harder to find bigger diamonds, which makes it more expensive and rare. A typical half-carat platinum diamond ring will cost roughly 1500 pounds, depending on where you go to buy it.
The final part to the four C’s is the colour. This is generally determined by it formation process, therefore the whiter the diamond the greater its value. A diamond does not change colour over time and reflects light strongly making it appear more lustrous.
However, as mentioned earlier, if you find your diamond is changing colour over time, it could be a potential fake as no diamond changes colour. Some diamonds can appear lightly yellow or brown, but they do not change and stay the same. Letters grade colour, which is similar to cut. The difference is that from A-E, the diamond will be colourless or near colourless. Anything beyond will lower the quality and value of the gemstone.
Now that you have become more familiar with the terms and how to measure your diamonds, you are now wondering why girls love their diamond rings. It is not so much the thought of having something that over time will increase in value, nor is it the fact it is one of the strongest gems around, but it is a socially constructed stereotype that put women in front of this idea of having something look stunning in their possessions. Unfortunately, there is no one answers to this question; women have their own taste in jewellery.
The majority of the female population appreciate this fiery unbreakable gem, for its mesmerising twinkle, value and long-lasting properties. This piece of jewellery will turn simple coloured clothing into a glamorous outfit, so if it makes us look good then we will use it over and again.
Texas Hold’em Rules And Gambling Warning
4:17 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
A message about gambling : Gambling (or betting) is any behavior involving risking money or valuables (making a wager or placing a stake) on the outcome of a game, contest, or other event in which the outcome of that activity depends partially or totally upon chance or upon one’s ability to do something.
A Simple warning about gambling: Know your limit and play within it…
One of the most popular forms of casino poker, Texas Hold’em is easy to learn but requires intricate strategies, practice, and cunning skills to play it well. Below are some basic Texas Hold’em Rules to follow when you start playing the game.
Texas Hold’em Rule 1 – Dealer Button
In Texas Hold’em rules, a marker – called a dealer button — made of plastic indicates which player is the dealer. After identifying the dealer, players each take their turn playing their hands in a clockwise manner, starting to the dealer’s left. After each hand, the button is also moved clockwise to the next player who will now assume the position of dealer.
Texas Hold’em Rule 2 – Blinds
In basic Texas Hold’em rules, two players sitting to the left of the dealer place bets before the cards are dealt. These bets are called ’small blind’ and ‘big blind’ and are used as a pot to play for. The amount of the small blind is half of the smallest structured bet. The big blind on the other hand is equal to the smallest structure bet, as specified by the Texas Hold’em rules.
Texas Hold’em Rule 3 – Pocket Cards
According to Texas Hold’em Rule No. 3, each player is given two cards as pocket cards. The pocket cards and the community cards (which will be dealt at a later stage) are what the poker players use in order to make their 5-card poker hand.
Texas Hold’em Rule 4 – First Betting Round
The player to the left of the player of who issued the big blind will make the first bet. The Texas Hold’em Rule No. 5 requires all players to continue betting in a clockwise manner until everyone has an equal stake in the pot.
Texas Hold’em Rule 5 – The Flop
After the first betting round, three community cards are dealt. These cards are collectively called a ‘flop’ which players then use to make up their hand. During the next betting round, players have another betting option called a ‘check.’ According to Texas Hold’em Rule No. 5, a check allows a player to pass if no bet has been made.
Texas Hold’em Rule 6 – The Turn
The fourth community card that is dealt after the second betting round is called the ‘turn.’
Texas Hold’em Rule 7 – The River
After the turn is dealt, the third betting round begins and the fifth and final community card is revealed called the ‘river’ or ‘fifth street.’ With that, the final betting round is initiated.
Texas Hold’em Rule 8 – End of the Hand
Upon completion of the final betting round, the Texas Hold’em Rule No. 5 allows the remaining players to show their cards to see who won the pot. The one beside the dealer will be the first to show his card and the rest of the players, in order, can choose to fold or show. The player with the highest 5-card poker hand wins the pot.
Texas Hold-em can be a lot of fun. Please always play with the intention of having fun and leave the heavy gambling to the pros. Many lives have been destroyed because of addiction to gambling.
…and RememberKnow your limit and play within it…
The Big Tips For Catching Big Crappie
6:38 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
To catch large Crappie you need to make that your main focus. You cannot think about catching of large quantities and huge size. Truly trophy Crappie are a quarry that needs to be pursued in a different manner than you would the smaller members of the species.
First you need to understand the schooling habits of Crappie. Crappie are a fish that tends to school according to size. Simply put large Crappie generally can be found near other large Crappie.
There are of course exceptions to every rule. I am not suggesting you cannot catch a very large Crappie in the same location as smallish ones. I am saying however that if you want to focus on catching only large Crappie in the two pound and above weight class you are best served by searching for schools of that size. This means leaving a productive area that is producing a steady stream of half pound to one pound Crappies.
Understand your catch rate will drop if you fish only for the real trophies. Trophy fishing for crappie is a sport of patience.
Consider for a minute how a Crappie becomes over two pounds. First it has to have the genetic makeup to reach such a size. You need therefore to fish lakes that have a demonstrated reputation for producing fish for large size.
If you show me a lake that has never produced a Crappie of over two pounds I will show you one that likely never will. Genetics is a pretty straightforward science.
For example suppose you were to place one hundred people on a large island that were all below five feet in height. One thousand years later the population would have grown exponentially and would almost assuredly be an average of less than five foot in height.
As the saying goes the chips don’t fall far from the block. You need to apply this principle to your fishing efforts. Certain lakes continuously produce Crappie of large size because the fish whose genetic material repopulates the species are very large.
Lakes like Kentucky Lake, Reelfoot Lake and many others have an established fishery for monster sized Crappie. You need to target your efforts on these lakes and not try to fight a battle are you destined to lose by fishing lakes that have not in past produced the size of Crappie you are seeking.
You do not go to Antarctica to hunt lions, nor should you hunt monster sized Crappie in areas they simply do not exist.
Next in selecting an area you must think outside the box a bit. Crappie reach huge sizes by keeping away from predators. I am talking about predation from both larger fish and from fellow fisherman. Most of the classic crappie fishing sports will not hold the extra large jumbo fish.
These fish have learned to avoid these areas. Some of the largest Crappie I have caught have come from areas that are hard to reach and nor necessarily to stereotypical Crappie hideouts.
The Benefits of Vitamins Do They Really Work
10:10 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
What we do know is that we can’t get all of the nutrition that we need through food alone. What we also know is that vitamins alone can’t do it. So what do we do? Let’s be realistic here, nobody eats five to six servings of fruits and vegetables a day. It just doesn’t happen. Most of us are lucky if we can fit in one or two servings of fruit or vegetables a day.
To eat the recommended daily amount you’d pretty much have to be grazing all day long. Sounds funny, but true. Come on now , we all lead busy lives and a lot of us don’t even sit down to a home cooked meal except for maybe for three or four days out of the week.
So how do we make up for what our bodies are lacking? Vitamins of course. Now vitamins can’t do the work all on their own, that’s why they are called supplements. They are specifically made for that purpose, to supplement what you may be lacking in your daily diet. But, you have to help by eating sensibly and by trying to eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Vitamins are not miracle pills, but they are essential in making up what may be lacking in our diets and to help keep us healthy.
We have to be smart about how we choose to supplement with vitamins. The first thing that we need to do is find a great Vitamin and Mineral supplement. From that point on we have to be aware of our own individual needs.
For instance, if you know that you don’t regularly eat dairy products or other calcium rich foods, you probably would want to take a calcium supplement. That would be especially important for post menopausal women at risk for osteoporosis. For those who don’t eat many nuts, seeds, whole grains or even much of any kind of vegetables, a good Magnesium supplement would be great.
Vitamin D is so important for people who don’t get enough sunlight on a daily basis. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and a deficiency has been said to cause weak bones and now has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
My advise to people out there is to read, read, read. Just be informed as to what is out there so you can make a smart choice and get healthy with the benefits of vitamins.
The Secrets of Catching Giant Catfish
12:50 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

Another reason for their popularity is the fact that catfish can grow to some incredible sizes. If you are trying to reel in that trophy fish going after the catfish is a great way to start. Catfish can be caught from any location such as banks, piers and docks so everyone has the opportunity to fish for catfish even if they do not have access to a boat.
Do you enjoy catfish fishing? Are you searching for some great tips that can help you reel in those big ones? Then you will find the secrets of catching giant catfish listed below very useful in helping you get started.
You need to always be prepared before you go out by packing all of your gear ahead of time. Make sure you have extra lures and hooks because you will lose many of these when catfish fishing. Don’t forget to bring along a net to help you haul that giant catfish in and a variety of bait in case they are being picky when you go out.
The time that you go catfish fishing is very important. If you really want to catch the giant catfish, then it is recommended that you go out at night. This is the time that the largest catfish are most actively feeding and is one of the best times to fish for catfish.
Catfish has a strong sense of smell so most any stink bait will work very well for drawing them in your direction, which is why stink baits are the most popular used. Still it is good to know that catfish will eat just about anything so it is easy to find something that will attract them. Other good baits to use include chicken livers, shad, shrimp, minnows and worms.
The early part of spring is a great time to go catfish fishing. This is the time of year that they are the most active and when you will get the best results.
Always carry a variety of tackle with you on each fishing trip. The main tackle you will need includes a filet, knife, pliers, flashlight, lantern and a cooler for the bait to keep them fresh. It is always a good idea to bring some beverages and snacks along in case it takes awhile to reel in that big one.
Learn as much as you can about the habits of the catfish and this will help you when it comes to catching them. This includes their spawning season, habitats and anything else you can learn about the catfish and the body of water in which you are fishing.
Playing Soccer With Your Family And Friends
10:42 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Some siblings might know a little bit about the game of soccer and feel feisty enough to add their own comments about the scoring system that is used. When family and friends play soccer together, they are sure to share the information with each other at some point during the game and some might even know a little bit about soccer before a game is ever mentioned.
Some of the kids have learned to find out about such things before playing their siblings in a game of soccer because they want to make sure that they have a fair chance at winning a game or two. They make it a point to know what they have to do to score a point, and how many points it takes to win. They learned that a team who delivers a ball into the opposing team’s goal will earn a point, and the team that gets two points ahead of the other team wins the game.
There are some things that friends and family members need to know before starting a game of soccer. Most of them will already know that they need a soccer ball which is colored black and white. Some family members in the past tried to use a football and it did not work out very well for them. The goals for playing soccer should be soccer goals but families have learned to improvise over the years.
Some family members feel that soccer can only be played on a soccer field. If it was a professional game of soccer this might be true, but a soccer game can actually be played on any type of field that has enough open space. Some people have backyards that are large enough to play soccer and families will usually allow people to come over and watch the action on the soccer field.
Most families like the idea of not having to leave home to play soccer. This makes it a lot easier for friends to meet and spend the entire afternoon playing soccer if they want to before they have to break the action to go home and eat their dinner. Some families make it a point to play soccer regularly because it gives everyone a chance to catch up with what is happening in each other’s lives.
The Best Bass Fishing Lures In North America
6:29 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
That choice would be based largely on the fact that it is probably the most versatile lure. You can use it to fish various depths, not limiting yourself to your choices if the bass are suspended, shallow, or deep. If you cast your spinner, and start reeling immediately, it will stay on the surface for shallow fishing. You can cast and then wait a bit, letting it sink partway to the bottom, so you can catch suspended fish, or you can let it sink to the bottom before beginning your retrieve to catch those fish on the bottom.
Another excellent choice of a lure that is sure to catch a lot of bass is the crankbait. They come in a huge array of colors from which you may choose. They work well when you need to fish anywhere from the depths to the surface, and they may even be equipped with soundmakers to attract the bass. They are designed to look like natural baits such as shad, crawfish, or minnows.
Another very good choice of lures with which to catch bass is a simple,plasctic worm. You can fish these lures very simply with great results. You can use a Carolina Rig, Wacky Rig, Texas Rig, Floating Rig, or any number of others, and really all you have to do in order to be successful doing it is to slow down your presentation just a bit. There are new rigs being developed every day too, so the versatility you seek will be there when using plastic worms as bait for catching bass.
If you are looking to catch really big bass rather than larger numbers of bass, you might want to try a pig and jig combo. It really is a very good combination for catching the big largemouth. You can give it a try anywhere, but, of course, it is going to work best for you in areas where there are larger sized bass and they are biting.
If you are fishing early in the morning or later in the evening, you really might want to consider usingtop water lures for catching bass. They are pretty effective during the prime times for their target use.
Jerkbait and suspending bait are also very good choices for bass fishing. If you haven’t given them a try, go for it. Many of the locals in various areas will tell you that this is one of the best ways to fishfor bass. What’s more, it creates something new and interesting for you to do while you are fishing.
Just remember that since conditions change rapidly when fishing for bass, the lures you need to use can change just as rapidly making what worked for you a few minutes ago, obsolete in current conditions. The biggest thing is just to be versatile and adapt your presentation and choices for lures to the conditions in which you are fishing. Try to understand the patterns of the bass in your particular body of water, and fish according to the current conditions present.
Getting The Basic Golf Swing Right First Time
4:21 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

Executing the perfect shot takes practice and more practice. That’s it. If you are just starting out as a golfer and you’re about to tee off with a driver, it doesn’t take brute strength to belt the ball 250 yards down the fairway. The art revolves around knowing what each club is designed to do. Each club is designed to perform a role at various distances and lies and once you get into the habit of using specific clubs for specific roles, you’ll marvel at just how simple this game of golf can really be.
A good starting point if you are serious about improving your game is to get advice. Whether it’s professional tuition or just having a friend watch you go through the movement and point out any flaws. Positioning your body in the correct way is a step in the right direction. When executed correctly, it can look like poetry in motion but it also must be pointed out that once you nail down the basics, then some minor adjustments can be made to best suit you.
Mistakes many golfers make is thinking too much about how they are going to approach hitting the ball. Really, with practice, the swing should come naturally; it should be executed through memory because you’ll be amazed how many changes of thought you can have during the process of playing a shot. Again, practice is the key and one method taught to me was picking a spot on the fairway or driving range and continually trying to land the ball on that spot. Concentrating on where you want the ball to land rather than concentrating on your swing. Once you’ve committed to memory the natural action with one club, perhaps a driver, then start on another, until you’ve gone through the entire set. This is a process used over time but is very effective and before you know it, you have a memory bank full of golf shots you can draw from when faced with a corresponding play.
Exercises are an important part of golf, particularly for those keen to get out of the hacker stage. There are some simple golf exercises designed to stretch certain muscles and it would be wise to perform these before teeing off. A golf shot action is not the most natural movement a body can make and warm up exercises are designed to condition the body. Exercises like arm circles, mid section twists and even touching your toes; simple but effective in getting you away safely on the first tee. And don’t forget to keep doing these exercises occasionally during your round.
The basic golf swing doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s not hard to master. Doing it right with practice early on will train your mind and when committed to memory, getting it right will be the least of your worries.
Michael Jordan: The Cliff Notes
3:55 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

He began his career as a stand-out playing the Tarheels out of the University of North Carolina. Be began his professional career in the near mid 1980’s when he inked a deal with the Chicago Bulls franchise. It did not take Michael Jordan long to shine on the professional level, becoming one of the greatest stars in his rookie season. He was a high scorer with a tremendous leaping ability and many of his slam dunks have become highlight reel moments – especially the backboard shattering ones of which there were plenty. All of his accolades as a leaper and a scorer gave him the moniker of “Air Jordan” and he was also sometimes referred to as “His Airness” by sassy commentators. Besides being a great offensive player, he was also a tremendous defender.
He helped take the Chicago Bulls to World Champion Chicago Bulls in 1991 and their streak continued through 1992 and 1993 securing them a much talked about “three-peat”. Michael Jordan, feeling bored with basketball, took a leave during the 1993 through 1994 season in order to follow a dream of becoming a major league baseball player. That did not go as well as he would have liked and he went back to playing basketball with the Chicago Bulls in 1995. With Michael Jordan back on the wood, the Chicago Bulls pulled off another three-peat by winning back to back to back championships in 1996, 1997 and 1998 and they also set a record with winning 72 games in a regular season in 95-96. Michael Jordan again retired in 1999 but soon returned to play in the 2001 and 2002 seasons with the Washington Wizards, a team he was part owner in.
Michael Jordan is probably the most highly decorated basketball player in the game today, winning five MVP awards, ten All-NBA First Team Designations, fourteen all star game appearances as well as holding the record for the highest career regular-season scoring by managing a little over 30 points a game.
If You Are Getting Into Boating Here Are Some Crucial Accessories You Need
9:54 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Lifejackets are vital boating accessories to have even if you are not traveling far. No matter what happens on the water the chance of something going wrong and having to leave the boat is a possibility every person who steps on a boat should be prepared for.
Boating accessories such as lifejackets can be used whenever the passengers of the boat need to be in the water. Even if you are an expert swimmer lifejackets are needed boating accessories considering you could be miles from shore or caught in a current carrying you away from land. It’s important to have different sizes of lifejackets for children and adults. Obviously an adult life jacket will not fit a child properly and this can be very dangerous should the child end up in the water.
Flares are important boating accessories to carry on a boat. You never know when something could go wrong with the boat and letting others know there is a problem by firing a flare will bring help. Even if there is nothing wrong with the boat there are many other possibilities when using a flare is useful.
Flares are boating accessories to be used when you need to signal somebody for any reason whatsoever. Along the lines of flares for boating accessories for safety, flare guns can also be used to send any signal of distress. Once the flare has been ignited, help will soon be on its way.
Sometimes boats are far away from anything and if something happens where you need help radios are important boating accessories to have. Radios can be life savers as they can call ports, other boats, or even the coast guard in case of an emergency.
Being able to communicate in any way with others is needed on a boat as many times the boat is far from any help. Radios can bring help regardless of how far away from land the boat is and for this reason they are important boating accessories for safety.
Boating can be an exciting and relaxing way to spend time on the water. Being in the open water, or even close to shore, many things can go wrong whether it be with the boat or with a person on the boat. Preparing for the worst is the safest way to go and by using boating accessories for this purpose it will ensure all safety issues are covered. Taking precautions and using safety boating accessories make the experience that much more enjoyable as it makes it safe as well.
Is Poker Strategy or Gambling?
9:24 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Betting-In most poker games you start the betting with an ante just to get the cards dealt. The ante is dependent upon who you are playing with. A friendly game would usually have an ante of a penny, nickle, or dime, I personally like a nickle ante when playing with friends. Betting options are more varied, from penny-ante to $1000 ante.
Beginners at poker normally start playing poker online because beginners can usually find useful tips,however the experienced players may or may not start online depending where they feel most comfortable. The Overhead for for beginners who start online poker is dramatically less than traditional casinos and as such provides the ideal starting ground.
For those who run these websites the only overhead is physical space for some high performance servers and for a small customer support team. Texas Holdem is the most popular of the types of poker games and is even televised nightly on pay per view channels. This is great place for the beginner and even the seasoned professional to learn.
Hold ‘em is a blind bet game,usually in the form of a small blind (half bet) and a big blind (full bet). These two compulsory bets must be placed by the two players to the immediate left of the dealer.
Hold-um recognition throughout the whole world is extremely huge with millions of people participating in either localised games or online poker games pitting their wits against faceless players sites from around the world.
A special foundation was made to connect all the poker game of hold em contestants throughout the world and to make it one of the largest global pastimes, in fact its big business where ordinary guys and gals make their living playing poker. This has produce many professionals from every walk of life.
So what does the cards means for those wanting to try to get to grips with the game, well an Ace can be high or low. There are four suits; spades , hearts , diamonds and clubs , but no suit is higher than another.
Action continues in a clockwise motion. According to the authors, an unintended increase in risk is likely to result from the majority of regulations examined. A more positive result is that aggregate mortality risk falls for the entire set of regulations, primarily because a few regulations yield large reductions in risk.
Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10, all of them from the same Suit (the same color and sign, such as Red Heart). Bellow the Royal Flush there’s the Straight Flush, five cards from the same suit (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades) with a numerical order in them (2-3-4-5-6 or 9-10-J-Q-K).
Aces are always high and worth more than Kings which are worth more than Queens which are worth more than Jack, and so on. All the suits are all of equal value, meaning that no suit is more valuable than any other.
Here is a tip to remember…Don’t get into the habit of trying to check raise and be fancy every time you think you are ahead in a hand, unless you are against super-aggressive opponents and trying to get them to settle down.
There are many sites on the Internet that offer good resources for learning to play poker including video snippets found on social sites. You can sit in the comfort of your home and watch a well produced guides to playing, the rules, the best hands and even some poker tips.
Glen Francis is an author which knows no bounds to his flair for writing for the community, and once again demonstrate his knowledge of a subject.