Why Girls Really Love Diamonds
1:51 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
One thing you have to remember is that when buying diamond rings as an engagement proposal, you should spend plenty of time selecting the perfect style, cut, clarity, carat and colour. These are the ever-important four C’s, which all avid fans of diamond stone will have become familiar with. This will help you when selecting a perfect diamond set ring, without, which could lead to you wasting your money on something that will in time change in quality.
The four C’s is simple to remember and refers to the quality of the diamond. The cut of the diamond is self-explanatory but for those who are unfamiliar with this term, it is quite simply how well the diamond reflects the light back. This has nothing to with shape, so do not get this confused. Diamonds reflect light in many directions, they have that hypnotic twinkle and clean look. This is what attracts women to this studly gem, as it will make heads turn. Therefore, if you get the cut right then you are only a quarter of the way through finding the perfect ring.
Diamond rings come in different cuts, which are as follows; ideal cut diamonds reflect onto the table that stretch across from one end of the table to the other. Fine cut diamonds are slightly wider but still a good quality to buy. Shallow cut and deep cut diamonds tend to be the poorer cut diamonds, which lack the fiery and scintillating reflective effect.
The clarity of a diamond refers to any blemishes or inclusions on the stone, such as air bubbles, cracks and some non-mineral inclusions within the diamond. The diamond itself has not been formed in a crystal clean and controlled environment therefore, there are bound to be flaws that develop with it. They are measured by letters, which include F (flawless), IF (Internally flawless), VSI (Very slightly included) and I (Included). There are more categories with each letter signifying their worth and value, obviously F is the most expensive and highest quality diamond.
All diamond rings come with a certain measured weight, which is where carat comes in. As the carat goes the up on a diamond stone, the price will become increasingly expensive. Try not to get this confused with ‘karat’, which is used to measure, the weight of gold. One carat is approximately 2oo milligrams; therefore, how the diamond is formed it is harder to find bigger diamonds, which makes it more expensive and rare. A typical half-carat platinum diamond ring will cost roughly 1500 pounds, depending on where you go to buy it.
The final part to the four C’s is the colour. This is generally determined by it formation process, therefore the whiter the diamond the greater its value. A diamond does not change colour over time and reflects light strongly making it appear more lustrous.
However, as mentioned earlier, if you find your diamond is changing colour over time, it could be a potential fake as no diamond changes colour. Some diamonds can appear lightly yellow or brown, but they do not change and stay the same. Letters grade colour, which is similar to cut. The difference is that from A-E, the diamond will be colourless or near colourless. Anything beyond will lower the quality and value of the gemstone.
Now that you have become more familiar with the terms and how to measure your diamonds, you are now wondering why girls love their diamond rings. It is not so much the thought of having something that over time will increase in value, nor is it the fact it is one of the strongest gems around, but it is a socially constructed stereotype that put women in front of this idea of having something look stunning in their possessions. Unfortunately, there is no one answers to this question; women have their own taste in jewellery.
The majority of the female population appreciate this fiery unbreakable gem, for its mesmerising twinkle, value and long-lasting properties. This piece of jewellery will turn simple coloured clothing into a glamorous outfit, so if it makes us look good then we will use it over and again.
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