10 Big the Horrifying Disaster in Earth.

11:04 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

The 1st disaster

The strength of nature made the person of astonishment and was reluctant, despite science to be able to have explained a large number of signs of nature, but, we continued to be able to not control him. The scientist has put 10 earth disasters that were most frightening for humankind at the same time estimating, among them the black hole or the "earth was swallowed" as the category of the first horrifying disaster in order.

According to the report on a daily in England, the scientists estimated that the black hole disaster or the "earth was swallowed", and although this incident will not necessarily happen in the next 70 years, but the level of his threat to the earth was categorised as highest first. The Brookhaven laboratory in New York in 7 years set made the biggest particle accelerator, by bringing closer the gold ion in the collision of the speed of the light and produced material the high density. The worried physicist that this accelerator will create material the high density like the black hole, swallowed the laboratory or even swallowed the earth.

The 2nd disaster

That was most frightening was the robot controlled the earth, and regarded that in 70 years of the occurrence opportunity was very high. The scientist memprediksikan that not more in semicentenially, the robot will have the capacity to think about like humankind, in fact replacing humankind carried out all the complicated works, or even controlled the earth.

The 3rd disaster
That was horrifying was the tip behind chromosomes became short. The tip behind animal chromosomes had a protective composition that was mentioned "telomeres". And the scientist concluded that long the protective composition telomeres will be increasingly short, so as to result in the instability of chromosomes. When becoming short in the certain stage, then humankind will receive the illness attack that was connected with the age, for example cancer, demensia elderly, the heart disease, stroke et cetera. But, the scientists estimated, that in 70 years of the sign of the occurrence opportunity like this was not high.

The 4th disaster
The nuclear war destroyed civilisation, theoretically, the nuclear war will destroy human civilisation, but, in an actual manner the crisis actually already through.

The 5th disaster

The horrifying explosion the big volcano, the scientist estimated, that approximately every time 50,000 years will very much happen the horrifying explosion the big volcano. In the earth will emerge a thin layer of the sulphuric acid, merefleksi came back the sunlight, and in the period several years in the future, the sunlight will weaken through to only shone like the month light. The scientists estimated, that the horrifying eruption of the big possibility volcano will happen in 70 years.

The 6th Disaster

The worried scientist that in 70 years the climate will experience the drastic change, and according to them, this 21st age end, the increase in greenhouse gases was predicted several fold, the temperature in general all over the minimal world will rise as far as 2? C, and possibly will change completely the temperature in each area, so as to result in the lack of food globally.

The 7th Disaster

The earth opportunity was hit the stone of the giant's meteor was every time 1 million years very much. The meteorite collision will cause a large amount of dust, covered the sun rays, and had an impact on the growth of the crop. However, this impact his characteristics were temporary, humankind continue to still could live.

The 8th Disaster

The rays cosmic spread strong, after the celestial body explosion in the galaxy system, happening and if the rays kosmik including the gamma ray radiated his rays to the earth, could cause the temperature to descend drastic, as a result emerged really glestser.

The 9th Disaster
According to the scientists that big the possibility will happen the horrifying plague in the earth that was occupied by this humankind in the time period 70 years, if being like this, then will not be counted by the number of people lost the life. In the age that set once 4 times the plague, aids and SARS also happened claimed the spirit who was not counted by the number.

The 10th Disaster

The scientist was convinced, that at this time in a large number of places all over the world in general was easy to receive the terrorism attack. Many terrorists who easily could create a large number of mass killing weapons. If they used anthrax or the smallpox virus et cetera, as a result will be unimaginable.

3 komentar:

  1. Anonymous said...

    that was cool

  2. IKA DEWI NURIDA said...

    nice article...:)

  3. Anonymous said...


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