1:06 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

The suicide (harakiri) has become one of the "traditions" in this cherry tree country. Generally harakiri was carried out by means of menusukan samurai to the stomach the perpetrators until being killed.

But, this "tradition" increasingly developed by being varied the method, from stuck samurai, swallowed poison, hanged himself, menabrakan himself in the carriage, to loncat from the deadly certain height. Moreover in 1945 during the World War to-Ii, Harakiri developed by a more horrifying scene. The Japanese pilots menabrakan himself to allied ships to hinder the movement of the enemy who was increasingly close to Japan. This movement was known by the name of "Kamikaze" (the big wind). Kamikaze - then not other was harakiri that was realised in the form of "super heroic".

Harakiri became an interesting "phenomenon" to be 'studied' considering for me many values that was contained inside. Free from our view that this action certainly "really". In various other countries, including Indonesia, the suicide action also often emerged. Then also in other developed countries. Then what made "harakiri" became more unique to be discussed

For me, the motive "harakiri" that that made this action to often "thought" to be absorbed. I observed, at least had three motives was overturned by this suicide:

FIRST: the motive of the DIRI. PRICE with this motive, samurai previously carried out the suicide in order to maintain the price himself. The action kamikaze when in Ii then was classed by me in this motive. Japan not want to a handspan then their land in step on by the USA and his ally, through to by any means, the movement of their enemy must be kept. The story of the battle in Iwojima (Letters from Iwojima) showed the troops's Japanese heroism that carried out the battle through to the power point and their last blood point. Other that was interesting, in the "The Last Samurai" film, Ken Watanabe that played a role as a person samurai carried out the scene harakiri in order to maintain the price himself compared with surrendering to the troops http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zz68_xDww2ov=zz68_xDww2o . It was not strange, the casualties harakiri this got respect that was big from the community, including from the person who in the living period did not like him.

SECONDLY: the motive of MALU. Motif this was most dominant was carried out by the perpetrators harakiri in now. The motive "could not keep embarrassed was" carried "out" by" various of the community's groups, from the official, the academic, to the common people. In 2007 we were still remembering the "surprise" among them the Shinzo Abe Cabinet (Japanese PM the replacement Koizumi) with their Agriculture Minister's death resulting from the case of the suicide. Believed in, this action was carried out because of Minister could not keep embarrassed resulting from the case scandal of corruption that was expected (still the assumption) involved him. In the year that 2006, a professor (associate) was killed the suicide in his laboratory (the case in our campus, Osaka University) that was expected melakuka falsification of his research data in a foremost scientific journal dibidang bioscience. His case was afterwards promoted the Nature Magazine, the single number magazine in the field science, in a "Mysteri" article "surrounds the lab death"

THIRDLY: the motive replied to DENDAM. Pada this case, usually is carried out by someone who was disappointed with his family. The example a child that felt was not treated just, et cetera. The suicide action was carried out with menabrakan himself to the train. With the action like this, generally the family sipela I would the bustle because dikenai the annoying demand of public order. The perpetrators's family will be prosecuted paid compensation by the carriage company resulting from the delay that was caused by this collision incident. Not only that, the perpetrators's family also must bear the loss and apologised in all passengers that felt was damaged with this incident. Busy him this family possibly that was meant with efforts “balas dendam” the perpetrator.

From three MOTIF above, became interesting if being paid close attention to by us that not even one the perpetrators of the suicide did harakiri because of the crush of economics or the difficulty. There was no person who all of a sudden hanged himself as a result of could not buy the rice or the other economic hindrance. This that distinguished with the number of suicides in Indonesia. On average, the case of the suicide in our country was more often pushed by the crush of economics. The existence of the child who hanged himself as a result of could not buy the school book, the mother who killed his child, et cetera. Economics was still becoming the main motive of cases of the suicide in our country. Despite certainly, several cases were pushed by the motive apart from economics.

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