7 people who made the History of sex
9:39 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
7. Chuck Negron.
The main singer from this 'Three Dog Night' group like that addiction towards the sex affair and cocaine, to the end the disaster gara-gara his addiction stopped him. The doctor has said that the condition that was experienced gara-gara cocaine and hubugan excessive sex, finally had been known that this cocaine was utilised chuck to push the desire and his physical strength in having sexual relationship
As usual, the disaster that fall on emerged gara-gara the overdose. When being drunk cocaine, chuck had sex with (his gossip) one of the contestants Miss Amerika, and at the moment, the Chuck 'thing' really broken. This destruction his intention suddenly available blood vessels broke, and as could be suspected, blood was scattered everywhere.
The history that was made: the 'Thing' that broke out
6. Xaviera Hollander
He was known as 'Happy Hooker', he was known as the woman who was paid by Eliot Spitzer 1.000 dollar overnight to sleep with him. 1.000 dollar that during the 60 's. Approximately now valuable 6.000 dollar, or 600 million rupiah! Initially Xaviera was a secretary from the Netherlands (Holland), and possibly has been bored, he had finally moved to America and menekuni the new career in the sexual world. In his period of the career end, he wrote many books concerning sexuality and to the adviser for the sex operator phone, at the same time the writer for the pornographic magazine, Penthouse.
The history that was made: Xaviera claimed was connected with hundreds or thousands of studs. The stud here was significant not only humankind right! . At the same time being the most expensive woman for the sexual affair
5. Casanova
This name definitely was not easy to be forgotten in the history of sexuality. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt, the lover of the world class, he had met the Pope, various nobles, Voltaire and Mozart. According to the autobiography that he wrote, he began his sexual adventure by means of that was extraordinary. He lost his bachelorhood by means of that was extraordinary, he slept with the brother's older brother who really gave themselves to him, in the age 16 years!
For the length of his life, he could have not resided in one city. Sebagaian big kepindahan him happened because he was expelled from his residence city. And most were expelled gara-gara the woman. As a trader, Casanova indeed occasionally was successful and occasionally also failed and lost much money, and money that was lost this most happened because of must pay the woman who was made love to by him.
One of his achievements was to sleep with the child was 14 years old and a nun (the sister), and both of them were asked by him simultaneously in the bed.
The history that was made: could sleep with dozens of women, although his face far from the handsome measurement
4. Johnny Wadd.
Johnny Wadd, was the pornographic star that possibly became favourite all the other pornographic stars. He appeared in more than 2,500 films. That made him famous was the measurement of goods that dikatanan "two of half of the long time the ruler 6 inch". According to his wife in fact the length 'only' around 10 inch (yes.. approximately 23 cm)
He admitted to sleeping with more than 20,000 women, in fact if being counted beneran, at least more than 'only' 3,000 people. One of the matters that was recalled from him was to the existence of the rule from justice that forbade John to carry out anal sexual relations. Because he not deliberate caused the death someone because of the measurement barang' him.
The history that was made: the extraordinary Lie, plus the order from justice, that all of them came from the measurement of extraordinary goods.
3. Caligula.
To make the film about Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, alias Caligula, not the famous director like Ridley Scott or Stanley Kubrick, but especially for Emperor Romawi this one, must be made the pornographic film for the length of 3 length hours!
Why? Simply and not not because indeed Caligula famous on his madness was upper all the smelly matters sexual mad. That was clear from all kegilaa him, there were several matters that still were recalled and must be indeed being proven: a pet horse that often was invited to dinner and even to will be crowned as the consul
Apart from efforts sinting him earlier, Caligula famous often changed his palace into the brothel, with the wife of the senior figures was forced to serve the guest, only to increase the royal wealth. He also often suddenly forced someone to sleep with himself. Who, whether a person wania when his marriage, or the woman were pregnant, one around your three him, or the place woman he was berta you, basically liked-liked he.
The history that was made: Still there are those that wanted to have the leader like this
2. Marquis de Sade
Had heard the name of Donatien Alphonse François de Sade? If the cart masokis? Nah.. the cart activity masokis this was said emerged and the name of this activity was based on behalf of him: Sade < = > the Cart. His name indeed not very far from the binding bunch, the whip spur on and the sadist's activity the Masokisme Cart.
The Marquis de Sade more often finished his life in the prison or in the psychiatric hospital. And if was not being in the two places, he will carry out the activity that caused his life to end in one of the two places. The Marquis de Sade was a heavy lover of the prostitutes and often did the strange matter to them, with the payment promise more. The strange activity what? Yes the cart activity masokisme earlier.
Moreover in the old age, the Marquis de Sade was still continuing to continue various mad activities, in fact he could find the young woman who wanted to live with him and to definitely serve all kebutuha him. The Marquis de Sade died in the prison, in the condition was involved affair with one of the daughter's adolescents who worked there. The history that was made: has read would?
1. Wilt Chamberlain.
The person who was quite famous in the NBA world, he had succeeded in gaining the point 100 in one match. He also claimed as the sample for the sex affair: at least had had sexual intercourse with 20,000 women. The problem is, what was said by Wilt, the big possibility of the lie, because if true, then meant Wilt must sleep with at least 3 women every time two nights, from the age 15 years arrive in his death day. For 21 length years.
But for sebagain that knew Wilt, this will not be strange, because evidently for Wilt, really will be easy to ask two or three women to accompany him at the same time in one night, let alone having 23 women accompanied him in the trip on the ship for 10 days.
The history that was made: the Person that [possibly very big] really had slept with 20,000 women all his life.
July 23, 2009 at 12:57 PM
nice article yoo!