7 Fastest Trains in The World

6:33 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

1. CRH-3 in China
This train was planned will connect the Beijing city with Shanghai. If 1.318 kilometre take 5 hours, CHR-3 will take just 4 hours to get there.

China used Siemens technologyto build the CRH-3 train that had the speed around 350 km/hour and will begin to operate in next year. The train that will achieve the speed 380 km/hour was expected to have been ready in two more years.

2. THSR in Taiwan

3. KTXKTX in Korea

4. SHINKANZEN in Japan
the speed around 270km/hour through to Max's speed 300 km/hour.

5. AVEAVE in Spain

6. EUROSTAR in England
Maximum speed 300km/hour

7. TGV in France
the maximum speed of TGV is 320 km/hour. But with modification,TGV can reach to 574,8 km/hour and it was reached in April last year.

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