The Positive Impact of Cigarettes

11:07 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

Many people out there always talking about the negative impact of cigarettes. But i will show the otherside of it. There just some fun things about smoke

1. The Passive smoker more dangerous than the active smoker
2. Increase the imagination power.
3. Reduced the level of criminality. Because i havent seen someone who smoked when he robbed the bank

4. Good for strengthened the relations. The most thing that you always seen in the gathering was smoked together
5. Gave employment opportunities for the cigarettes worker, the doctor, the pedlar and the cough medicine company.
6. Eliminated the perfume fragrant for someone who allergic with it
7. the best friend when you get Defecated
8. Teached us to be more patience. If your friend was smoker and you allergic with it, then you have to be more patience to hang out together with him

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