Who is BAPHOMET (Satanisme)
9:24 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
The Setanisme history The Setanis group, namely the followers of the teaching setanisme, has been dan carried out their mean activity in each history stage and dalam each kind of civilisation began since the Egyptian period to be old to Greece old, serta from the Pertengahan Age to today. Between the 14th age dan the 16, the hypnotists and the person who refused the religion together memuja the devil. After the 1880 's, in France, England, Germany, dan at the same time in various other countries in Europe and America, Setanisme was arranged in the association and spread in the person's circle that mencari the conviction and the other religion.
The worship of the devil continued to continue since the 19th age, at first sebagai Setanisme traditional, then in the current sesat that was smaller yang was his fragment. The cruel ceremony that was carried out by the trade person sihir like the child's sacrifice and the mature woman to the devil, celebration of Misa Hitam and the Setanisme ceremony traditional other was bequeathed quiet- quiet for generations.
The Setanisme symbol traditional that most important was Baphomet yang became the symbol for the person who worshipped the devil. The historians yang investigated the noose origin berkepala this goat has menemukan several important indications about the Setanis activity. The Setanis symbol most important the two were the pentagram, that is the star bersegi five in dalam the circle. It was interesting, there were two associations of the other secret di samping Setanis that used Baphomet and the pentagram sebagai the symbol. That was first was the association of the Noble the Yerusalem Monastery (Knight Templars), that is the association that it was charged by the Katolik Church as the devil's worshipper, and was dispersed in the year 1311. Perkumpulan other was the Mason association (Freemasonry) that has bertahun- the length year caused the feeling to be curious because of secrecy dan his ceremony that was strange.
Many historians, who investigated the problem, believed bahwa was gotten by relations between the Noble the Jerusalem Monastery and perkumpulan Mason. According to them, the two groups continued mutually one sama other. After the Noble the Jerusalem Monastery was banned by the Church, the association continued his existence secretly and akhirnya changed to the Mason understanding. That definitely about Freemasonry was, this association was top secret, had the organisation composition, with the member all over the corner of the world. The analysis that was given para the expert like Leo Taxil, that had become a person of Mason, but telah left the association, said that Mason amat honored Baphomet and held the ceremony that resembled the order- the worship method of the devil. The other reality that caused kecurigaan was that many followers Setanisme that afterwards to anggota the Masonis organisation.
Currently, Setanisme left the ceremony and his post that rahasia that, to go out to the roads. Setanis was active in setiap the country to spread his teaching determinedly in books, the issue was periodic, and especially in the Internet in an effort to they menarik the member. Did not care in their any country was, Setanis put forward the same image. The method dressed, the conduct of the worship, the similarity of the letter that they left before carrying out the suicide dan the other characteristics showed that Setanisme not the movement biasa but a deliberate organisation relied on some landasan thinking.
Although the existence of the worshippers the Devil was known selama for years, no-one emerged and acknowledged in a terbuka manner that they were the follower Setanisme. Setanisme the first time menjadi the movement that was open in the 1960 's in the United States. The date 30 in April 1966, the Devil's Church was formed in California. The founder of the church setan this was a follower Setanisme that was named Anton Szandor LaVey that stated himself as the clergyman. Known as Pope Hitam, LaVey wrote place books he formulated view-pandangannya about the Setan Church. The title of the books: the "Setan Holy Scripture, Upacara Setanis , Penyihir Setanis, Buku Catatan Setan and the Berbicara Devil". LaVey died in 1997. Estimated that the Setan Church had around 10 thousand-an the member in North America, and meskipun often accepted prosecution, the activity and his ceremony terus went.
Who of Baphomet
Baphomet was one from worship-favourite of the Qabalis group that represented the Devil. This creature berkepala the goat butted or was known with the goat “Mendes”, the old symbol for the devil. His appearance symbolised black strengths was united with the capacity have children-pinak as in the case of the goat. On the forehead, around two horns was supervised the torch, was the symbol of the pentagram. His body underside was covered black cloth symbolised secrecy. Baphomet was depicted as the creature hermaphrodit by having symbol breasts of femininity and phallus the symbol of manliness. Two snakes coiled in phallus that stood. The snake also was the symbol of the Devil. The wings symbolised the Lucifer capacity to fly
Behind the Baphomet Name
The other theory said that Baphomet came from words ‘Aba Fihamet’, that meant ‘Bapak Kepahaman’ or ‘Bapak Kebijaksanaan’. Like Masonic, the Knights Templar group talk about about the Policy. Late Nurcholish Majid and RA. Kartini also often talk about about the Policy, with mengkapitalkan the K letter, in their articles that continued to carry liberalism and the emancipation in the style of Zionis Protocol.
From Greek words, Baph and Metis
The other theory said that ‘Baphomet’ was the derivation from two Greek words, that is Baph and Metis, that meant ‘Baptisan Kebijaksanaan’. Templars it was said worshipped the head. One of the theories said that this head actually was the Yohanes Pembaptis head that was cut off.
Atbash Cipher for Greek words ‘Sophia’
Atbash was enkripsi simple alphabet Ibrani. Enkripsi this in place of aleph (the first letter) with tau (the last letter), and Beth (the second letter) with shin (the letter before tau), etc.. The ease, alphabet him was overturned. Dr. Hugh Schonfield, one of the scholars who took part in working in the Dead Sea project of the manuscript research believed that Baphomet words were Atbash Chiper for Greek words ‘Sophia’ that was significant ‘Kebijaksanaan’.
The Greek code for the Sulaiman Temple
Eliphas Levi believed that this name could be overturned and formed to the phrase that referred to the Sulaiman Temple. ‘BAPHOMET’ words could be overturned to ‘TEM O H P AB’, an acronym for ‘Templi Omnivm Hominum Pacis Abbas’, that was significant Mr from the Kedamaian Seluruh Manusia Temple. The temple that was meant to be the Sulaiman Temple that was believed Eliphas Levi will bring peacefulness for all humankind.
The Sulaiman temple
The temple that was found by Knights Templar was believed as the Sulaiman Temple. And Zionis claimed that this temple was Masjidil Aqsha. Really?
Masjidil Aqsho not was located in the Moria hill or the olives hill. Masjidil Aqsho was located in the holy Thuwa valley. So, untrue that the temple that was found that was Masjidil Aqsho. Moreover, the Prophet Sulaiman did not teach witchcraft or even Kabbalah. The book that was found by them was the Kabbalah teaching book that was suspected of by even more being gotten in secret space of the place of the Prophet Sulaiman seized books sesat this.
all about Ganja
5:12 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa syn. Cannabis indica) was plants of fibre of the producer's cultivation, but more was known because of the content of the narcotic substance to his seed, tetrahidrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that could make his user experience euphoria (the feeling was happy that was protracted without because). Marijuana became the symbol of the culture hippies that had been popular in the United States. This is usually demonstrated with the marijuana leaves that have the shape of typical. Moreover marijuana and opium were also sounded as the symbol of the opposition to the flow globalisme that was forced by the capitalist country against the developing country. In India, some of Sadhu that worshipped the god Shiva used the derivative product marijuana to do ritual the worship by means of sucking Hashish through the pipe of Chilam/Chillum, and by drinking Bhang. (wikipedia) All part of the marijuana crop contained kanabioid psikoaktif. The crop canabis usually was cut off, dikeringkan, was cut off small - small and was rolled to cigarettes was mentioned joints. Will tie thoughts and could make the user of addiction.
The most potent form came from the blossoming crop or from eksudat resin that dikeringkan and was dark brown that came from the leaves that were mentioned hashish or hash. Marijuana contained a kind of chemical that was mentioned delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that could influence the atmosphere of the heart and influenced the person's method of seeing and hearing matters around it.
Was based on the last research, this (the jump of creativity), also in influenced by the marijuana kind that was used. One of the marijuana kinds that it was considered helped creativity to be results of the modern "Cannabis" crossing "indica" that came from India with "Cannabis sativa" from the west, where this kind of crossing Marijuana that was the type that grew in Indonesia.
The effect that was produced also was varied against each individual, where in the certain group there are those that felt the effect that was making them become lazy, while having the group that became active, especially in thinking to be creative (not active physically like the effect that was produced by Methamphetamin). Marijuana, till this second, had not been proven as the cause of the death and addiction. Moreover, in the past was regarded as the extraordinary crop, where almost all the available elements could be to him made use of for various needs. This was very opposite and was different from the effect that was produced by the medicine was banned and alcohol, that caused his user to become addiction until being tortured physically, and even doing the violence and the deception (the criminal action) to get the chemical medicine made by the humankind.
In several planting countries of marijuana fully was banned. In several other countries, planting of marijuana was permitted for the interests of the utilisation of his fibre. His condition was the variety that was planted must contain the very low narcotic material or was not completely. Before having the tight ban towards planting of marijuana, in Aceh the marijuana leaves became the vegetables component and the public was presented. For his user, the dry marijuana leaves were burnt and sucked like cigarettes, but also could be sucked with the special implement saved that was mentioned bong.
The robot That could cry
4:47 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
The robot only a set of awkward technology, cold and without the expression. However the development of technology could change anything to possibly. Including changing the robot's equipment that without the expression became the animate object that had the feeling was proper for humankind.
It was Kobian, the sensitive robot who could respond to the statement and the action that were carried out by humankind to him. The scientist from the Waseda University co-operated with the producer's company of the robot Tsmuk Ltd created the robot who could laugh, cried, embarrassed in fact complained. TG Daily, on Friday (22/5/2009) launched, the robot's creation was the development from the concept of the production of the available robot. Beforehand, the team of the robot's Paranoid Android developer in Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s experienced kebuntuan when wanting to create the robot who had emotions.
The scientist from the Waseda University afterwards mengmbangkan this plan. In the long run, was created Kobian that could show seven sorts of the emotional expression like humankind. The Kobian face was arranged by several motivators who could change the expression in accordance with the atmosphere of his emotions automatically. Because could be really close to humankind, Kobian was made one of the facilities accessories in the hospital to entertain and treat people's psychology that was sick.
His creator claimed Kobian was the latest breakthrough in the robot's technology. With increasingly the expansion of the robot's technology, it was not impossible in the period that will come the behaviour of the robot can really resemble humankind
The student the Indonesian Origin defeated The 39th St Gallen the symposium in Swiss
7:28 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
St Gallen Symposium was the annual agenda that was attended by several leaders of the business and politics from all over the world to hold a dialogue with the young leaders. In this agenda, hundreds of the young leaders were selected through the paper had the theme the global crisis, to afterwards be taken 3 best and was invited to send his idea in front of the forum for the world.
Shofwan, the close greeting the young child born in July 85 this, to pemenangan first from three big this. With the paper be entitled 'Boundaries the USA Bridges: A Reflection for Transnational Business Actors', he surpassed Jason George, the student prorgam the master from Harvard University (the level 2) and Aris Trantidis, the doctoral program student from London School of Economics (the level 3).
"I was grateful and (this appreciation) made me be sure that all of us could create Indonesia that better go to the future," said Shofwan when chatting (chat) with detikcom, on Sunday (24/5/2009).
According to him, children's Indonesian capacity not lost to compete with the foreign student in the educational field. Only, said he, the education system still could not in Indonesia unite the potentials for the spread nation child, that if being united could become the big strength.
"Perhaps, uptil now we only were not better his management," he said. In the old city of St Gallen, totalling 600 leaders of the business and politics from all over the gathered world to hold a dialogue with 200 young leaders concerning the global crisis today.
From politicians's circle, the list of his speaker including Swiss Hans-Rudolf Merz President, Presiden Serbia Boris Tadic, Estonian President Ilves, Kepala Japan Bank for International Cooperation Hiroshi Watanabe, Wakil Japanese Foreign Affairs Minister Hiroyuki Ishige, Minister Perdangan and the Industry Indian Kamal Nath, to Singaporean Finance Minister Shanmugaratnam.
Fames also were in the list of the speaker from the business circle. From CEO PriceWaterHouseCoopers, CFO Airbus, the representative of the FIAT board of directors, the director Hindustan Construction, to the Management of the Embraer Brazil Board Of Directors.
Apart from the political circle and the business, the leading figure of the other world that appeared in front was the scientists like the Winner Nobel Robert Aumann, Organisasi Europe President for the Nuklir Research (CERN) Torsten Akesson but also the journalist like Riz Khan from Al Jazeera and Peter Day from the BBC.
2:28 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Blogger: Sang Kecebong Bugil - Edit Entri " CorelDRAW X3 GRAPHICS SUITE (B.INDO) "
This book made an effort to introduce the technique used CorelDRAW X3 with more was easy, and gave you tricks at the time of you followed serangkain the exercise.
To this book the writer membingbing you the step for the sake of the step with the available exercise in the life a day-a day hinggal formed the graphic work, as well as paid attention to available effects in CorelDRAW X3.
The deliberate writer attached several images in material download, so as you could use this image for the need of the design of the Anda work
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CODEC: the Safe Method & was easy So that Windows could turn All formats of Multimedia
2:04 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
1. The “Eeasiest way”
The method termudah to manjalankan almost all the formats file multimedia was with menginstall player that has had codec that was enclosed (internal the filter) so as you might not menginstall codec anything to OS you, :Player that was recommended that is: VLC for the Video and Foobar for Audio.
2. The “Ugly Way”
Hehehe this possibly yg often was followed by most people, remained at the clique froze. Please read the quotation was supervised this:
“Now, there's one common method that specially people new to digital video tend to use. It can be compared to killing a fly with a sledgehammer or something similar. Its called "codec packs". Basically a codec pack is a collection of most common decoding drivers (==codecs) in the world and the installation file of a codec pack installs all of these codecs to the user's operating system.
Sure, the way has its benefits -- it is highly likely that virtually all of the downloaded videos will play after installation of such pack. But, there are several downsides to this approach. First one is simply the fact that every Windows user knows -- more software you install to your computer, more unstable and "wobbly" it becomes. Secondly, it is really waste of resources to install codecs that are in reality never needed. Third, it is highly unlikely that all the components packed within such pack are the latest and best versions -- downloading and installing each codec individually would be a better approach if user wants to get all the latest codecs in the world installed to his/her computer. Additionally, as nowadays several codecs actually decode several video formats, when a video is played, it is often impossible for a Joe Average to tell which piece of software does the decoding of the video, making it virtually impossible to find the cause of a problem if a problem appears.
Anyway, as stated, codec packs are a popular option to sort out the codec mess and installing such pack would also allow using your favourite video player software instead of all-in-one solution like VLC.”
Basically install that only was needed, there was a person user that every time had the new Codec version pack always mendownload him that file him was moderate big >10 MB in fact if being seen by Change his log that was changed (update or downgrade) paleng2 cumak gak until 1 MB and the irritation told uninstall before. (user that previously I
3. The “Elegant way”
This that I liked because of this article will discuss about this elegant method. That was meant here to be install that only was needed (how many kinds file multimedia in computer you? ), knew file audio or the video that will be undertaken dikompress pakek what, that will increase your knowledge about Multimedia. When you undertook one file the video and tdk could be turned, then the analysis and install what yg was needed. Supervised this will be pointed out by information one file the video, please donlod the information media (portable) was supervised this:
Download Here
Download Here
For this package you must donlod Quictime Component (Quicktime Alternative)
Download Here
Download Here
Download Here
Download Here
Download Here
Download Here
For put forward subtitle the Film
With menginstall all this package then Windows Media Player you could have undertaken almost all file important multimedia, why was chosen by me WMP, yak because now WMP increasingly finds it easy and we gak necessary install mediaplayer in addition.
* If your antivirus detected this package as the virus or a kind, I tdk meant spread in this package, if also was indicated had the process that aroused suspicion that only because in this program only extracted file earlier to temp the folder and if diinstall will copy file to system32 and menggunkan ordered regsvr32. * this program was tested used windows the vista fresh/XP (not available software macem2) and was successful, if beforehand had the installation codec pack was suggested to uninstall previously.
Trick: made Browser so dual screen
1:33 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Method :
1. Copy This Code to Address Bar
javascript:A14nH=location.href;L3f7=prompt('Choose%20File%201',A14nH);R1Gh7=prompt('Choose%20File%202',L3f7);if(L3f7&&R1Gh7){Fr4Q='To save to bookmark used "edited bookmark" input manually.
Indonesian wanted to be claimed by Malaysia
1:28 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
This threat, he said, will be carried out if the community and the Indonesian government were still making an issue of the Malaysian claim towards art reog Ponorogo and the "Sayange Feeling" song.
According to him, the "Sayange Feeling" song was made in 1907 and reog Ponorogo far more older because of emerging when the Indonesian nation was not yet born. Available at that time, both Indonesia and Malaysia one group and was acknowledged as the Indonesian Archipelago.
The "community and the Malaysian government considered Indonesia with Malaysia was a part of the Indonesian Archipelago." This problem emergence, because of the Indonesian nation tightened this Indonesian Archipelago meaning, he added.
Whereas countries that entered the Indonesian Archipelago, he said, apart from Indonesia and Malaysia, there were Singapore, Bruneian Darussalam, and Thailand the southern part. So if having traditional Indonesian song art that developed in Malaysia, that was something that was natural, because the art was brought by ethnic groups in Indonesia to Malaysia since hundreds last year.
"Ethnic groups in Indonesia came with art and the traditional culture and were developed in Malaysia." We were not possible to separate them from his cultural art, he said.
Abdul Azis then mentioned, the Indonesian government and Malaysia discussed the problem that at this time busy was discussed, like art reog Ponorogo and the "Sayange Feeling" song. In these discussions, he said, the Malaysian government more put the Indonesian Archipelago association forward. "However in a manner his details, I did not know results of discussions between RI" Culture and Tourism Minister "and Kebudayaan Malaysia" Minister"," he explained.
He then mentioned, the case of traditional art reog Ponorogo and this "Sayange Feeling" song became busy more because of the Indonesian press. Whereas the Malaysian press personally, he added, too much did not exaggerate this problem. "His article, the two arts there in Malaysia since hundreds last year, are those that was carried Indonesians and afterwards resided in Malaysia," he explained.
1:06 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Harakiri became an interesting "phenomenon" to be 'studied' considering for me many values that was contained inside. Free from our view that this action certainly "really". In various other countries, including Indonesia, the suicide action also often emerged. Then also in other developed countries. Then what made "harakiri" became more unique to be discussed
For me, the motive "harakiri" that that made this action to often "thought" to be absorbed. I observed, at least had three motives was overturned by this suicide:
FIRST: the motive of the DIRI. PRICE with this motive, samurai previously carried out the suicide in order to maintain the price himself. The action kamikaze when in Ii then was classed by me in this motive. Japan not want to a handspan then their land in step on by the USA and his ally, through to by any means, the movement of their enemy must be kept. The story of the battle in Iwojima (Letters from Iwojima) showed the troops's Japanese heroism that carried out the battle through to the power point and their last blood point. Other that was interesting, in the "The Last Samurai" film, Ken Watanabe that played a role as a person samurai carried out the scene harakiri in order to maintain the price himself compared with surrendering to the troops http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zz68_xDww2ov=zz68_xDww2o . It was not strange, the casualties harakiri this got respect that was big from the community, including from the person who in the living period did not like him.
SECONDLY: the motive of MALU. Motif this was most dominant was carried out by the perpetrators harakiri in now. The motive "could not keep embarrassed was" carried "out" by" various of the community's groups, from the official, the academic, to the common people. In 2007 we were still remembering the "surprise" among them the Shinzo Abe Cabinet (Japanese PM the replacement Koizumi) with their Agriculture Minister's death resulting from the case of the suicide. Believed in, this action was carried out because of Minister could not keep embarrassed resulting from the case scandal of corruption that was expected (still the assumption) involved him. In the year that 2006, a professor (associate) was killed the suicide in his laboratory (the case in our campus, Osaka University) that was expected melakuka falsification of his research data in a foremost scientific journal dibidang bioscience. His case was afterwards promoted the Nature Magazine, the single number magazine in the field science, in a "Mysteri" article "surrounds the lab death"
THIRDLY: the motive replied to DENDAM. Pada this case, usually is carried out by someone who was disappointed with his family. The example a child that felt was not treated just, et cetera. The suicide action was carried out with menabrakan himself to the train. With the action like this, generally the family sipela I would the bustle because dikenai the annoying demand of public order. The perpetrators's family will be prosecuted paid compensation by the carriage company resulting from the delay that was caused by this collision incident. Not only that, the perpetrators's family also must bear the loss and apologised in all passengers that felt was damaged with this incident. Busy him this family possibly that was meant with efforts “balas dendam” the perpetrator.
From three MOTIF above, became interesting if being paid close attention to by us that not even one the perpetrators of the suicide did harakiri because of the crush of economics or the difficulty. There was no person who all of a sudden hanged himself as a result of could not buy the rice or the other economic hindrance. This that distinguished with the number of suicides in Indonesia. On average, the case of the suicide in our country was more often pushed by the crush of economics. The existence of the child who hanged himself as a result of could not buy the school book, the mother who killed his child, et cetera. Economics was still becoming the main motive of cases of the suicide in our country. Despite certainly, several cases were pushed by the motive apart from economics.
Your 9 BRAIN instructions were more FAST!
12:58 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
2. Sex in a teratur manner had sex could release the chemical compound that could increase the strength of the brain, according to the latest book “Teach yourself. Training your brain” that was written by the senior teacher and a biological expert. Sex was the perfect form from the exercise, that also increased the circulation of blood to the brain. He could reduce stress and the tension that reduced achievement efficiency of the brain.
3. Do one teka teki the Crossword Puzzle, Sudoku or that was other could make your brain continue to in the best condition. Same like the muscle, if you did not practise regularly, he will lose his capacity to work maximally.
4. Go to walk kaki not there are those that could overcome fresh air that could refresh thoughts that could reduce annoying mental conversation logic and constructive thoughts. A trip in city outskirts, close to the river or just in the garden will help you to remove the grey cloud and to help your thoughts to stay clear.
5. Studied the new language
studied the language just could the syndrome dementia (the decline in the brain) up to four years according to the article that was contained to New Scientist. The certain reason for this was not yet known, but was believed that he had relations was close to the increase perdaran blood and the good nerves connection.
6. Laughing
Tawa not only was best medicine, he could also increase the function of the brain and stimulated the two sides of the brain at the time of that simultaneously. Confirm Anda laughed each day.
7. Being Creative
Painting or studied the new musical instrument, gathered with the artistic class although you were sure you were tired in this matter. To creative enabled you to find the new solution for the problem that for a long time and increased the awareness at the time of that simultaneously.
8. Learned to throw the thing
The research from the Regensburg University in Germany scrutinised the brain from a person juggler (the conjuring player who threw the thing) and found that this activity could increase the structure of the brain. After practising for three months, the brain would menunjukan the significant increase in two parts, that is the part mid-gate and posterior intraprietal sulcus left.
9. Was connected with the characteristics of your childish
Einstein had said that the imagination was more important than knowledge and he used him in several experiments that finally had made him find the calculation was most famous forever (E=MC2) .
It is hoped beneficial.
12:49 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
For some people regarded thread this ripos ,basi and laen as nya. but his intention only shared tips about coca cola and definitely as your point to be considered if want to consumed more far. Consider the effect that could be created to your body..
Macam2 kegunaan Soft Drink!
1. To clean toilet :Put a tin of Coca-Cola inside toilet.Tunggu a hour, afterwards poured until bersih.Asam sitric in Coca-Cola eliminated stains from the ceramic
2. To clean the car radiator :Mix a tin of Coca-Cola inside karburator.Panaskan the machine 15-30 menit.Dinginkan the machine, after that went to the toilet karburator.A you will see rust that fell with this water.
3. To eliminate the rust blank from the bumper/chrome mobil:Rubbed the bumper with the clump alumunium foilyang was soaked in Coca-Cola
4. To cleanse corrosion of the terminal of the car battery: Poured a tin of Coca-Cola on the terminal akiuntuk cleaned corrosion.
5. To loosen the rusty bolt: Rub cloth that was soaked in Coca-Colapada the bolt.
6. I had heard the story from a doctor in Indonesia ,bahwa in America the product coca cola was utilised to eliminate the former blood to the floor in TKP by the official of forensics.
7. Coca cola could be utilised to moderate meat: soaked meat in coca cola while several minutes, afterwards distinguished the level to acknowledged between before and afterwards
Certainly many that contradicted the use coca cola earlier and regarded as Hoax completely. However was free from all that ,ha him ourselves that tau the "dose" that was appropriate for our body. Enjoyed as necessary ,not excessive!!
Worms In Our Body
12:27 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Tardigrades / Water Bears
8:21 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Tardigrades pertama kali dideskripsikan oleh Eprhaim Goeze pada tahun 1773. Nama Tardigrada berarti “pejalan lambat” yang diberikan oleh Spallanzani (1777). Panjang tubuh tardigrades dewasa adalah 1,5 mm, paling kecil ukurannya 0,1 mm, larvanya berukuran 0,05 mm.
Tardigrades bisa ditemukan di semua bagian dunia, mulai dari puncak Himalaya hinngga di dasar samudera, dan dari kutub hingga di bagian ekuator.
Tempat yang paling disukai di tempat berganggang. Di pantai, tanah maupun di air dapat dijumpai binatang mini ini.
Hal yang paling menarik dari hewan ini adalah kemampuan untuk beradaptasi di lingkungan yang sangat ekstrim. Tardigrades dapat bertahan di lingkungan yang beku (0oc) hingga di tempat yang bertemperatur tinggi (151oc). Bahkan dapat bertahan terhadap radiasi 1.000 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan jumlah radiasi di mana makhluk hidup lain dapat bertahan. Oleh karena itu, tardigrades dikenal sebagai hewan yang polyextremeophiles .
Dengan kemampuan tersebut, tardigrades merupakan makhluk hidup yang dapat bertahan bila terjadi perang nuklir atau bencana alam lain yang ekstrim. Bahkan tardigrades dapat hidup selama 120 tahun dalam kondisi kering.
Kemampuan unik lainnya dari tardigrades adalah dapat bertahan di keadaan angkasa luar yang hampa udara. Pada satu penelitian di September 2007, tardigrades dapat hidup selama selama 10 hari di lingkungan luar angkasa. Tardigrades yang mengangkasa menggunakan pesawat luar angkasa FOTON-M3 oleh European Space Agency, dapat bertahan hidup dapat keadaan hampa udara, terpapar sinar kosmik, dan bahkan dapat bertahan terhadap radiasi UV matahari 1000 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan radiasi di permukaan bumi.
Kerajaan Kodok di Madagaskar
8:02 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Tim yang menemukan spesies kodok itu mengatakan kekayaan alam di pulau itu yang terletak di tenggara pantai Afrika itu sangat luar biasa. Sebelumnya wilayah itu dipandang sebelah mata dan binatangnya dianggap terancam punah.
Kodok spesies baru boophis aff elenae merupakan salah satu dari 200 yang ditemukan di Madagascar. Wilayah yang terletak di lautan Hindia dan merupakan pulau terbesar ke empat di dunia itu memiliki keberagamanan biologi. Pulau ini terkenal dengan binatang yang sangat eksotis, termasuk lemur berekor cincin dan kodok beracun.
Konservator yakin dari 217 spesies hanya satu yang bukan asli wilayah itu. Lebih dari 80% mamalia di Madagascar tidak akan ditemukan di tempat lain.
Tim peneliti bekerjasam dengan dengan Spanish Scientific Research Council, menemukan 129 hingga 221 spesies kodok baru. Penelitian itu dilaporkan di journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Tim itu mengatakan akan lebih banyak spesies yang akan ditemukan.