all about Ganja

5:12 PM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa syn. Cannabis indica) was plants of fibre of the producer's cultivation, but more was known because of the content of the narcotic substance to his seed, tetrahidrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that could make his user experience euphoria (the feeling was happy that was protracted without because). Marijuana became the symbol of the culture hippies that had been popular in the United States. This is usually demonstrated with the marijuana leaves that have the shape of typical. Moreover marijuana and opium were also sounded as the symbol of the opposition to the flow globalisme that was forced by the capitalist country against the developing country. In India, some of Sadhu that worshipped the god Shiva used the derivative product marijuana to do ritual the worship by means of sucking Hashish through the pipe of Chilam/Chillum, and by drinking Bhang. (wikipedia) All part of the marijuana crop contained kanabioid psikoaktif. The crop canabis usually was cut off, dikeringkan, was cut off small - small and was rolled to cigarettes was mentioned joints. Will tie thoughts and could make the user of addiction.

The most potent form came from the blossoming crop or from eksudat resin that dikeringkan and was dark brown that came from the leaves that were mentioned hashish or hash. Marijuana contained a kind of chemical that was mentioned delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that could influence the atmosphere of the heart and influenced the person's method of seeing and hearing matters around it.

In several plants countries was classified as narcotics, although being unproven that his user became addiction, was different from the medicine was banned that was based on the chemical and damaging material brain cells, that have been very clear his danger for humankind. Around the user of marijuana, heterogenous the effect that was produced, especially euphoria (the happy feeling) that was abundant, as well as the concentration loss to think around the certain users. The effect of the negative generally was when has smoked then the user will become lazy and the brain will be slow in thinking. However, this was still becoming the controversy, because fully was not agreed to by several supportive certain groups medical marijuana and marijuana generally. Apart from being claimed as pereda the feeling was sick, and medical treatment for the certain illness (including cancer), quite a few sides that stated the existence of the jump of creativity in thinking as well as in working (especially to the artists and the musician.

Was based on the last research, this (the jump of creativity), also in influenced by the marijuana kind that was used. One of the marijuana kinds that it was considered helped creativity to be results of the modern "Cannabis" crossing "indica" that came from India with "Cannabis sativa" from the west, where this kind of crossing Marijuana that was the type that grew in Indonesia.

The effect that was produced also was varied against each individual, where in the certain group there are those that felt the effect that was making them become lazy, while having the group that became active, especially in thinking to be creative (not active physically like the effect that was produced by Methamphetamin). Marijuana, till this second, had not been proven as the cause of the death and addiction. Moreover, in the past was regarded as the extraordinary crop, where almost all the available elements could be to him made use of for various needs. This was very opposite and was different from the effect that was produced by the medicine was banned and alcohol, that caused his user to become addiction until being tortured physically, and even doing the violence and the deception (the criminal action) to get the chemical medicine made by the humankind.

Marijuana plants had been known by humankind since long before and were used as the manufacturer's material of the pocket because of fibre that was produced by him strong. The marijuana seed was also used as the oil well. Nevertheless, because marijuana was also known as the source of narcotics and the use this was more valuable economics, the person more often planted for this and in many places was misused.

In several planting countries of marijuana fully was banned. In several other countries, planting of marijuana was permitted for the interests of the utilisation of his fibre. His condition was the variety that was planted must contain the very low narcotic material or was not completely. Before having the tight ban towards planting of marijuana, in Aceh the marijuana leaves became the vegetables component and the public was presented. For his user, the dry marijuana leaves were burnt and sucked like cigarettes, but also could be sucked with the special implement saved that was mentioned bong.

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