Worms In Our Body
12:27 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong
Usually was caused by the Askaris worm family lumbricoides that was the worm that most often infected humankind. The mature worm lived in the upper intestines of part humankind, and released his egg in the waste of humankind. The infection in humankind happened through the food road that was dirtiest by the waste that contained the worm egg. The egg that was swallowed will issue the larva. This larva will penetrate the wall of the intestines entered the blood circulation that finally down to the previous lung lungs would dibatukan went out and was swallowed back to the intestines. The illness that emerged from this infection including anaemia, the obstruction of the bile duct, the inflammation of the pancreas and the appendix.
The worm that held the role here was Enterobius vermikularis that often really happened to the small child. The mature worm will live in the large intestine. The female worm that will lay eggs left the large intestine towards the anus that was the most ideal egg-laying place. At this time the child will cry because his anus hole was itchy. Secara kasat the eyes, this worm will be seen of the coconut grater in and around the anus hole. The transmission of this worm as in the case of the tapeworm entered immediately through the mouth was good with the food intermediary and dimasukan unintentionally by the sufferer who completely scratched his anus hole that was itchy. So as to the child's child often the re-infection resulting from the action happened.
Most often was caused by Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. The mature worm lived in the upper part small intestine, whereas his egg will be issued together with the waste of humankind. The egg will hatch to the larva outside the human body, that afterwards entered back to casualties's body penetrated palm skin foot that walked without the footwear. The larva will go the road in the body through the circulation of blood that finally had arrived on the previous lung lungs dibatukan and was swallowed again. The sign covered the reaction of the local allergy or all the body, anaemia and abdomen pain.
The mature worm will live in the underside intestines and released his egg outside the human body with the waste. The egg that was swallowed by the next one will hatch in the small intestine and the life until mature there. The sign that emerged to the sufferer of the whip worm including abdomen pain, diarrhoea and the appendix.
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