12:49 AM Diposkan oleh Master Kecebong

Possibly from us most hobby and often consumed coca-cola. However once you realised if coca cola had many benefits apart from as the thirst remover?

For some people regarded thread this ripos ,basi and laen as nya. but his intention only shared tips about coca cola and definitely as your point to be considered if want to consumed more far. Consider the effect that could be created to your body..
Macam2 kegunaan Soft Drink!

1. To clean toilet :Put a tin of Coca-Cola inside toilet.Tunggu a hour, afterwards poured until bersih.Asam sitric in Coca-Cola eliminated stains from the ceramic

2. To clean the car radiator :Mix a tin of Coca-Cola inside karburator.Panaskan the machine 15-30 menit.Dinginkan the machine, after that went to the toilet karburator.A you will see rust that fell with this water.

3. To eliminate the rust blank from the bumper/chrome mobil:Rubbed the bumper with the clump alumunium foilyang was soaked in Coca-Cola

4. To cleanse corrosion of the terminal of the car battery: Poured a tin of Coca-Cola on the terminal akiuntuk cleaned corrosion.

5. To loosen the rusty bolt: Rub cloth that was soaked in Coca-Colapada the bolt.

6. I had heard the story from a doctor in Indonesia ,bahwa in America the product coca cola was utilised to eliminate the former blood to the floor in TKP by the official of forensics.

7. Coca cola could be utilised to moderate meat: soaked meat in coca cola while several minutes, afterwards distinguished the level to acknowledged between before and afterwards

Certainly many that contradicted the use coca cola earlier and regarded as Hoax completely. However was free from all that ,ha him ourselves that tau the "dose" that was appropriate for our body. Enjoyed as necessary ,not excessive!!

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